Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize

Barcelona City Council, Academia Europaea’s Barcelona Knowledge Hub

The Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize is part of the Barcelona Science Plan, which outlines the city’s commitment to science and ultimately seeks to promote the city as a European capital for research and innovation.

Our recognized staff

CEU Best Dissertation Award

Central European University

These awards, given annually, are intended to recognize important scholarly contributions by graduate students. Dissertations from any discipline that are based on significant original research, raise thought-provoking questions in the field, and open up new perspectives are recognized through this award. 

Our recognized staff

János Bolyai Research Fellowship

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia / Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The aim of the award is to encourage and recognize research and development activities for researchers under the age of 45 who have an academic degree but are yet to receive the title of Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Bolyai Scholarship is awarded by the Board of Trustees of the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which is a scientific association of representatives of the various disciplines.

Bolyai Grand Prize

Bolyai János Alapítvány

Bolyai-díjasok által alapított, és a Bolyai János Alapítvány által gondozott díj. Első alkalommal 2008-ban ítélték oda.

Our recognized staff

Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal

Cseh Köztársaság Tudományos Akadémiája

The highest recognition of achievements in the mathematical sciences awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences as an Honorary Plaquette for outstanding contributions in the mathematical sciences. 

Our recognized staff

Charles Simonyi Scholarship

Magyary Zoltán Felsőoktatási Közalapítvány

Charles Simonyi Scholarship was established on the basis of an agreement between AMFK (the legal predecessor of the Zoltán Magyary Public Foundation for Higher Education),  the OM, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Simonyi family to support scientific research.

Our recognized staff