
ERC Consolidator Grant 648017

Asymptotic invariants of discrete groups, sparse graphs and locally symmetric spaces

Our research focuses on the following notions:

  • Rank gradient, mod p and Q-homology growth, log torsion in homology, deficiency growth
  • p.m.p. group actions, graphings, cost, weak containment, profinite actions
  • Invariant random subgroups, measured groupoids of p.m.p. actions
  • Local sampling convergence, unimodular random graphs, local-global convergence
  • Stochastic processes on groups, graphs and symmetric spaces
  • Sofic groups and actions
  • Asymptotic invariants of locally symmetric spaces
  • Cellular maps, factor of i.i.d. processes
  • Ramanujan graphs, actions and manifolds
  • Structure theory of random regular graphs
  • Graph polynomials, matching and chromatic measures of graphs
  • Statistical physics on finite graphs and their limits, sofic entropy

Head of Group:

