Networks are part of our lives. They are essential to biology, communication, social and economic systems and influence virtually every aspect of science and technology. Yet we do not fully understand how they work. Together with László Lovász (Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Research Institute) and Jaroslav Nešetřil (Charles University, Prague), mathematicians specialising in graph theory, and Albert-László Barabási (CEU, Budapest), a leading expert in network science, the aim is to build a mathematically sound theory of dynamic networks. They want to change the understanding of complex systems and prepare the ground for their application in several disciplines.
Both graph theory in mathematics and network research have made significant theoretical progress in the last decade. However, there has been little discussion between the research communities in the two disciplines and this has limited our insights. Research funded by an ERC Synergy Grant has the potential to change that, by putting together a coherent theory of dynamical networks and exploiting its applications and predictive power for a variety of real-world systems. To enhance the broader impact of the proposed mathematical developments, the lead researchers plan to develop strong links with experts in a variety of disciplines exploring and involving networks, from cell biology to neuroscience, and transport and communication networks, stimulating and advancing our progress in these areas by addressing new questions.
Albert-László Barabási László Lovász Jaroslav Nešetřil
Mathematician László Lovász awarded Charles University Honorary degree 2020. március 9.
Professor Jaroslav Nešetřil: Why we must teach our children the beauty of mathematics, and start (more) maths museums - 2020. március 19.