The Institute's corporate social responsibility and communication is characterised by modern channels, transparency and a dynamic combination of research and marketing approaches.

Many of their results have been published in specialised journals, but our mathematicians have also been interviewed in the major media. The Institute is also present on social media (Facebook) and video sharing (YouTube).

It is important to us that the research results from the Institute are disseminated beyond the professional community to the general public.

For years, we have been organising educational lectures as part of the Celebration of Hungarian Science events.

In 2019, we joined Europe's most widely organised events, the Girls' Day and the Researchers' Night.

Almost 1,300 members of the Academy's public body, and 15 from our institute, are participating in the MTA High School Alumni programme, which will be launched at the end of 2020.

Érintő - Electronic Mathematical Papers (online mathematical journal) is published by the Bolyai János Mathematical Society.

András Stipsicz, editor-in-chief, provides publication opportunities for our researchers in every issue, so that students and teachers interested in mathematics can get a wide range of mathematicians' papers.