List of accepted talks
- Andrew Treglown, Daniela Kühn and Deryk Osthus: Matchings in 3-uniform
hypergraphs of large minimum vertex degree
- Gadi Aleksandrowicz and Gill Barequet: The Growth Rate of
High-Dimensional Tree Polycubes
- Harout Aydinian and Péter L. Erdős: On two-part Sperner systems for
regular posets
- Ingo Schiermeyer, Maria Koch and Stephan Matos Camacho: Algorithmic
approaches for the minimum rainbow subgraph problem
- Matthew J. Samuel: Abstract root systems and intervals in weak Bruhat order
- Younjin Kim and Zoltán Füredi: Minimum Ck-saturated graphs
- Radoslav Fulek and Andrew Suk: On disjoint crossing families in
geometric graphs
- Delia Garijo, Andrew Goodall and Jaroslav Nešetřil: Contractors for flows
- Ameera Chowdhury: On a Conjecture of Frankl and Füredi
- Torsten Mütze and Reto Spöhel: On the path-avoidance vertex-coloring game
- Graham Brightwell, Gérard Cohen, Emanuela Fachini, Marianne
Fairthorne, János Körner, Gábor Simonyi and Ágnes Tóth: Permutation Capacities
and Oriented Infinite Paths
- Kazuyuki Amano: On Extremal k-CNF Formulas
- János Barát, Zoltán Füredi, Ida Kantor, Younjin Kim and Balázs Patkós: Large Bd-free and union-free subfamilies
- Dieter Rautenbach and Jayme Szwarcfiter: Unit Interval Graphs - A
Story with Open Ends
- Sang-il Oum: Rank-width and Well-quasi-ordering of Skew-Symmetric or
Symmetric Matrices
- Giuseppe O. Longo and Andrea Sgarro: Unruly codes with unruly
distances raise (combinatorial) problems
- János Körner, Silvia Messuti and Gábor Simonyi:
Families of Very Different Paths
- Vadim Levit and Eugen Mandrescu: A Characterization of König-Egerváry
Graphs Using a Common Property of All Maximum Matchings
- Nikolaos Fountoulakis, Ross J. Kang and Colin McDiarmid: Largest
sparse subgraphs of random graphs
- Tomás Feder, Pavol Hell and Shekoofeh Nekooei Rizi: Partitioning
Chordal Graphs
- Anna de Mier, Andrew Goodall, Steven Noble and Marc Noy: The Tutte
polynomial characterizes simple outerplanar graphs
- Ilia Averbouch, Tomer Kotek, Johann A. Makowsky and Elena V. Ravve:
The Universal Edge Elimination Polynomial and the Dichromatic Polynomial
- Rommel Barbosa, Erika Coelho, Mitre Dourado, Dieter Rautenbach and
Jayme Szwarcfiter: On the Carathéodory Number for the Convexity of Paths of
Order Three
- Gyula Y. Katona and Nándor Sieben: Bounds on the Rubbling and Optimal
Rubbling Numbers of Graphs
- Hervé Hocquard and Mickaël Montassier: Adjacent vertex-distinguishing
edge coloring of graphs with maximum degree at least five
- Deryk Osthus, Daniela Kühn and Richard Mycroft: A proof of Sumner's
universal tournament conjecture for large tournaments
- Michael Drmota and Marc Noy: Universal exponents and tail estimates in
the enumeration of planar maps
- Mirka Miller, Oudone Phanalasy and Joe Ryan: All graphs have total
antimagic labelings
- Shinya Fujita, Henry Liu and Colton Magnant: Rainbow k-connection in
Dense Graphs
- Anastasia Rozovskaya and Dmitry Shabanov: On colorings of non-uniform
hypergraphs without short cycles
- Tobias Christ, Dömötör Pálvölgyi and Miloš Stojaković: Digitalizing
line segments
- Vadim Levit and David Tankus: Lower Bounds on the Odds Against Tree
Spectral Sets
- Shinya Fujita and Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi: High connectivity keeping
connected subgraph
- David Pritchard and Filip Morić: Counting large distances in convex
polygons: A computational approach
- Vladimir Blinovsky: Complete Intersection Theorem for Permutations
- Károly Bezdek: Contact numbers for congruent sphere packings
- Archontia Giannopoulou and Dimitrios Thilikos: A min-max theorem for LIFO-search
- Hervé Hocquard, Pascal Ochem and Petru Valicov: Bounds and complexity
results for strong edge colouring of subcubic graphs
- Agnieszka Polak and Daniel Simson: Symbolic and numerical computation
in determining P-critical unit forms and Tits P-critical posets
- Pavle Blagojević, Boris Bukh and Roman Karasev: Turán numbers for
Ks,t-free graphs: topological obstructions and algebraic constructions
- Antoni Lozano: Symmetry Breaking in Tournaments
- Vasco Mano, Enide Martins and Luís Vieira: Feasibility Conditions on
the Parameters of a Strongly Regular Graph
- Asaf Ferber, Dan Hefetz and Michael Krivelevich: Fast embedding of
spanning trees in biased Maker-Breaker games
- Kolja Knauer, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros and Ricardo
Strausz: A graph-theoretical axiomatization of oriented matroids
- Noah Streib and William Trotter: Dimension and Height for Posets with
Planar Cover Graphs
- Luca Gugelmann and Reto Spöhel: On Balanced Coloring Games in Random Graphs
- Athanassios Koutsonas, Koichi Yamazaki and Dimitrios Thilikos:
Outerplanar Obstructions for Matroid Pathwidth
- Guillem Perarnau and Oriol Serra: Rainbow Matchings: existence and counting
- Ángeles Carmona, Enrique Bendito, Andrés M. Encinas and Margarida Mitjana: On the Moore-Penrose inverse of distance-regular graphs
- Maria Bras-Amorós: Ordinarization of Numerical Semigroups
- Marianna Bolla: Spectra and structure of weighted graphs
- Raquel Águeda, Valentin Borozan, Marina Groshaus, Gervais Mendy,
Yannis Manoussakis and Leandro Montero: Proper Hamiltonian Paths in
Edge-Colored Multigraphs
- Florent Foucaud, Sylvain Gravier, Reza Naserasr, Aline Parreau and
Petru Valicov: Edge identifying codes
- Atsuhiro Nakamoto and Ryuichi Mori: Linear number of diagonal flips in
triangulations on surfaces
- Vladimir Shlyk: Vertex Structure of Master Corner Polyhedra
- Richard Anstee, Miguel Raggi and Attila Sali: Forbidden
Configurations: Boundary Cases
- Konstantinos Panagiotou, Reto Spöhel, Angelika Steger and Henning
Thomas: Explosive Percolation in Erdős-Rényi-Like Random Graph Processes
- Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký and Diana Piguet: A density
Corrádi-Hajnal theorem
- Tobias Christ, Andrea Francke, Heidi Gebauer, Jiří
Matoušek and Takeaki Uno: A Doubly Exponentially Crumbled Cake
- Pablo Soberón and Ricardo Strausz: On Tverberg's Theorem
- Csilla Bujtás and Zsolt Tuza: Combinatorial batch codes: Extremal
problems under Hall-type conditions
- Alexey Pokrovskiy: Partitioning 3-coloured complete graphs into three
monochromatic paths
- L. Sunil Chandran, Anita Das, Deepak Rajendraprasad and Nithin
M. Varma: Rainbow Connection Number and Connected Dominating Sets
- Zoltán Füredi: Linear paths and trees in uniform hypergraphs
- Tomoki Namamigawa and Norihide Tokushige: Counting lattice paths via a
cycle lemma
- Gary MacGillivray, André Raspaud and Jacobus Swarts: Obstructions to
Locally Injective Oriented Colourings
- Arash Asadi and Spencer Backman: Chip-Firing and Riemann-Roch Theory
for Directed Graphs
- Clément Charpentier, Mickaël Montassier and André Raspaud:
Minmax degree of planar graphs
- Nestor Nestoridis and Dimitrios Thilikos: Square Roots of Minor Closed
Graph Classes
- Benjamin Doerr, Mahmoud Fouz and Tobias Friedrich: Social Networks
Spread Rumors in Sublogarithmic Time
- Benjamin Doerr and Mahmoud Fouz: Asymptotically Optimal Randomized
Rumor Spreading
- Sagnik Sen: 2-dipath and oriented L(2,1)-labelings of some families of
oriented planar graphs
- Roman Čada, Shuya Chiba and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto: 2-factors in
claw-free graphs
- Cristina Araúz, Ángeles Carmona, Andrés M. Encinas and Enrique
Bendito: The Kirchhoff Index of Cluster Networks
- Edward Kim: Polyhedral graph abstractions and an approach to the
Linear Hirsch Conjecture
- Arnaud Pêcher and Annegret Wagler: Computing the clique number of
a-perfect graphs in polynomial time
- Marc Cámara, Cristina Dalfó, Josep Fàbrega, Miquel Ángel Fiol and
Ernest Garriga: Edge-distance-regular graphs
- Petr Golovach, Marcin Kamiński, Daniël Paulusma and Dimitrios
Thilikos: Lift contractions
- Carlos Hoppen, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Hanno Lefmann: Edge colorings
of graphs avoiding some fixed monochromatic subgraph with linear Turán number
- Kim Marshall, Mirka Miller and Joe Ryan: Extremal Graphs without
Cycles of Length 8 or Less
- Naoki Matsumoto and Atsuhiro Nakamoto: Transformations in
hexangulations on the sphere
- Subramanya Bharadwaj, Sathish Govindarajan and Karmveer Sharma: On the
Erdős-Szekeres n-interior point problem
- Peter Borg: The maximum sum and product of sizes of cross-intersecting families
- Marcin Gąsiorek and Daniel Simson: Programming in PYTHON and an
algorithmic description of positive wandering on one-peak posets
- Balázs Keszegh and Dömötör Pálvölgyi: Octants are Cover Decomposable
- Hidehiro Shinohara and Tadashi Sakuma: On circular thin Lehman matrices
- Demetres Christofides, Jan Hladký and András Máthé: A proof of the
dense version of Lovász conjecture
- Julia Böttcher, Anusch Taraz and Andreas Würfl: Induced C5-free graphs of fixed density: counting and homogeneous sets
- Marie Albenque, Éric Fusy and Dominique Poulalhon: On symmetric quadrangulations
- Kunal Dutta and C. R. Subramanian: On induced acyclic subgraphs in
sparse random digraphs
- Arash Asadi, Luke Postle and Robin Thomas: Minor-Minimal
Non-Projective Planar Graphs with an Internal 3-Separation
- Julio Araujo, Victor Campos, Frédéric Giroire, Leonardo Sampaio and
Ronan Soares: On the hull number of some graph classes
- Jamie Smith: On the Limitations of Graph Invariants Inspired by
Quantum Walks
- Luca Gugelmann, Yury Person, Angelika Steger and Henning Thomas: A
Randomized Version of Ramsey's Theorem
- Marthe Bonamy, Benjamin Lévêque and Alexandre Pinlou: 2-distance
coloring of sparse graphs
- Susanna F. de Rezende, Cristina G. Fernandes, Daniel M. Martin and
Yoshiko Wakabayashi: Intersection of Longest Paths in a Graph
- Hiệp Hàn, Yury Person and Mathias Schacht: Note on forcing pairs
- Viola Mészáros: An upper bound on the size of separated matchings
- Edita Máčajová and Martin Škoviera: Determining the flow numbers of
signed eulerian graphs
- Antônio Bastos, Carlos Hoppen, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Rudini
Sampaio: Every hereditary permutation property is testable
- Richard Wilson and Tony Wong: Diagonal forms for incidence matrices
and zero-sum Ramsey theory
- Zoltán Füredi, Ida Kantor, Angelo Monti and Blerina Sinaimeri:
Reverse-free codes and permutations
- Michal Kotrbčík: Maximum genus of regular graphs
- Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi and Kenta Ozeki: Hamilton cycles in
4-connected triangulations of the torus
- Peter Whalen: Three coloring planar graphs without cycles of length
from 4 to 6 or seven cycles with close triangles
- Edita Máčajová and Edita Rollová: On the flow numbers of signed
complete and complete bipartite graphs
- Filippo Disanto, Enrica Duchi, Simone Rinaldi and Gilles Schaeffer:
Permutations with few internal points
- Oriol Serra and Lluís Vena: On the number of monochromatic solutions
of integer linear systems on Abelian groups
- Petr Gregor, Riste Škrekovski and Vida Vukašinović: On the queue-number
of the hypercube
- Lali Barrière, Clemens Huemer, Dieter Mitsche and David Orden: On the
Fiedler value of large planar graphs
- Jiří Fink and Petr Gregor: Linear extension diameter of subposets of
Boolean lattice induced by two levels
- Uwe Leck and Ian Roberts: Minimizing the weight of the union-closure
of uniform families of sets
- Jesús Leaños, Oswin Aichholzer, Bernardo Ábrego, Silvia
Fernández-Merchant and Gelasio Salazar: There is a unique crossing-minimal
rectilinear drawing of K18
- Bojan Mohar and Tamon Stephen: Expected Crossing Numbers
- Márcia R. Cerioli, Hugo Nobrega and Petrucio Viana: On
characterizations by nice forbidding sets
- Colin McDiarmid and Tobias Müller: Counting disk graphs
- Cédric Bentz, Marie-Christine Costa, Dominique de Werra,
Christophe Picouleau and Bernard Ries: Minimum d-Transversals of
Maximum-Weight Stable Sets in Trees
- Robin Christian, Bruce Richter and Gelasio Salazar: Asymptotically
settling Zarankiewicz's Conjecture in finite time, for each m
- David Hartman and Dragan Mašulović: Towards finite
homomorphism-homogeneous relational structures
- Bartłomiej Bosek, Tomasz Krawczyk and Grzegorz Matecki: Forbidden
structures for efficient First-Fit chain partitioning
- Richard Mycroft: Packing k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs
- Roman Glebov, Yury Person and Wilma Weps: On Extremal Hypergraphs for
Hamiltonian Cycles
- Camino Balbuena and Julián Salas: New results on connectivity of cages
- Anna Lladó: Almost every tree with n edges decomposes K2n,2n
- Enno Buß, Hiệp Hàn and Mathias Schacht: Minimum vertex degree
conditions for loose Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs
- Antal Iványi and János Madarász: Perfect hypercubes
- Marthe Bonamy, Matthew Johnson, Ioannis Lignos, Viresh Patel and
Daniël Paulusma: On the diameter of reconfiguration graphs for vertex colourings
- Robert Šamal: New approach to Petersen coloring
- Nils Hebbinghaus and Anand Srivastav: Discrepancy of Centered
Arithmetic Progressions in ℤp
- Maria Axenovich and Lale Özkahya: On homometric sets in graphs
- Elad Aigner-Horev, Reinhard Diestel and Luke Postle: Decomposing
infinite matroids into their 3-connected minors
- Hsun-Wen Chang and Siang-Ning Zeng: Enumeration of RNA Hairpins and Cloverleaves
- Zoltán Király: Monochromatic components in edge-colored complete
uniform hypergraphs
- Alexander Sapozhenko: Upper bound for the number of perfect (n,3)-codes
- Maksim Bashov: Minimal families in terms of double-sided shadow in the
Boolean cube layer
