Program for Saturday, March 29th.
- 09:00--09:40 Troels Roussau Johansen (Kiel):
On spectral Zeta functions of compact symmetric spaces
- 09:50--10:30 Abdenacer Makhlouf
Hom-algebras and their deformations
- 10:30--11:10 Coffee break
- 11:10--11:40 Cornelia Vizman (Timisoara): 
The path group construction of Lie group extensions
- 11:50--12:20 Sergei Silvestrov (Lund): 
Quasi-Lie algebras, quasi-Lie central extensions and quasi-deformations
of Lie and color Lie algebras.
- 12:30--13:00 Ágota Figula (Debrecen): 
The multiplication groups of 2-dimensional topological loops