Schedule for Thursday, March 27th.
09:00--09:50 Johannes Huebschmann (Lille):
The holomorphic Peter-Weyl theorem, Kirillov's character formula, and the
Blattner-Kostant-Sternberg pairing
09:50--10:30 Coffee break
10:30--11:20 Karl-Hermann Neeb (Darmstadt):
Invariant cones in infinite dimensional Lie
algebras and unitary representations
- 11:30--12:20 Andrey Lazarev (Leicester):
Minimal models for algebras over
- 14:40--15:30 Claude Roger (Lyon):
Infinite dimensional Lie algebras and magnetohydrodynamic equations
- 15:30--16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00--16:30 Aleksander Strasburger (Warsaw):
Symbol Calculi, Ordering Problem in Quantum Mechanics,
and Certain Families of Orthogonal Polynomials
- 16:40--17:10 Helge Gloeckner (Paderborn):
Stefan-Sussman theorem for distributions of not necessarily complemented vector subspaces on Banach manifolds