Laszlo Kalmar

Logic in Hungary, 2005

Budapest, August 5 - August 11, 2005

Conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of
László Kalmár and Rózsa Péter

Rozsa Peter

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Rózsa Péter (1905-1977)

Rózsa Péter's early work, presented in her book "Recursive Functions" made her one of the founders of Recursion Theory. Her other book "Playing with Infinity" written more than sixty years ago, still to be found on the shelves of some New York book stores, made her one of the most read authors of popular mathematics. Though she always considered herself a mere student of Kalmar she was a great scientist on her own right. She was the first woman mathematician to become a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. People who knew her cherish her as a brave crusader of all right causes.

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