Laszlo Kalmar

Logic in Hungary, 2005

Budapest, August 5 - August 11, 2005

Conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of
László Kalmár and Rózsa Péter

Rozsa Peter

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Practical Info

Here we provide the following information

The addresses of the conference site and the dormitory are the same:

Corvinus University,

( = Budapest, 11th district, Menesi street, No. 5).

How to get to the dormitory and conference site from the airport?

By air you will be landing at Budapest Ferihegy airport. There are three possibilities coming to the conference site.

How to get to the dormitory and conference site from railways station "Keleti Palyaudvar" ?

How to get to the dormitory and conference site from railways station "Deli Palyaudvar" ?

  • By taxi.
    One can find taxis near the train station. The estimated price of renting a taxi from "Deli Palyaudvar" to the dormitory is approximately 2500-3500 HUF, but it may be even more expensive.
  • By public transportation.
    There are direct tram lines from the train station to the conference site. Get on tram no. 18 in the direction "Savoya Park" or get on tram no. 118 in the direction "Albertfalva Kitero"; these trams have a common platform at "Deli Palyaudvar". Go one of by these trams till "Bertalan Lajos Utca". Go aheed in "Bartok Bela" street. "Menesi" street will be on your right. Follow the curving "Menesi" street till you reach"Menesi street 5". Here you will see a sign "Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem". See our map here, the conference site is denoted in it by a big *.

How to get to the dormitory and conference site from railways station "Nyugati Palyaudvar" ?

  • By taxi.
    One can find taxis near the train station. The estimated price of renting a taxi from "Nyugati Palyaudvar" to the dormitory is approximately 2500-3500 HUF, but it may be even more expensive.
  • By public transportation.
    To go from the train station to the conference site please buy (at least) 1 ticket and get on tram no. 6 in the direction "Moricz Zsigmond Korter". The platform of this tram can be found in front of the train station. (Please note, however, that you should be careful NOT to take tram no. 4 that stops at the same platform.) Go by tram no. 6 till the final station. Turn right in "Bartok Bela" street. "Menesi" street will be on your left. Follow the curving "Menesi" street till you reach "Menesi street 5". Here you will see a sign "Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem". See our map here, the conference site is denoted in it by a big *.

How to get to the dormitory and conference site by car ?

If you come by car, we advise you to consult these links (Budapest, the conference site) which indicates the main highways entering the city and the conference site. For more information you you may go to this link.

We have a limited number of parking places here that will be distributed on a "first-come first-served" basis. If you are interested in a parking permit, we strongly advice you to write an e-mail to

How to use public transportation in Budapest.

In Budapest, there is a great variety of public transport: underground (metro), buses, trams, even trolleys. Passengers taking any of them should use pre-purchased tickets that should be validated at the beginning of the journey (in the underground at the entrance, otherwise on the bus/tram etc.) One can buy tickets in the airport, in the train stations and in the metro (subway) stations. Please keep the validated tickets till the end of your travel because the controllers may check them at any time.

The price of a single ticket (valid for any form of transport for one journey of arbitrary length) is 170 HUF. You can buy blocks of 10 or 20 tickets which are somewhat cheaper than buying just single tickets (the price of 10 tickets is 1450 HUF, the price of 20 tickets is 2800 HUF); a block can be used by several people but tickets in the block must remain together and must not be torn out (otherwise you'll get fined). If you are taking the underground for a journey of at most 3 stations, you can buy a Metro Section Ticket whose current price is 120 HUF. You can buy a seven-day travel-card for 3100 HUF. As you already know, you may order such a card at registration.


The registration of participants will take place in the lobby of the dormitory: on Thursday (August 4) from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on Friday (August 5) from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Of course, participants arriving later will also be able to register.

Upon registration you will receive the conference material. Also, you will be asked to pay your accommodation and if you haven't done it before, you will asked to pay the registration fee. You may also buy lunch tickets and transportation cards.

Scientific Program

You may find the program at

Social Programs

The following two events are planned for registered participants and accompanying persons. A before dinner welcome party (with snacks and refreshments) will be held from 18:15 to 19:30 on Friday, August 5th. In the evening of Tuesday, August 9th there will be a dinner buffet from 19:00 till 22:00. Both events will take place at the conference site.

Other information that may be useful.

In case of emergency you can call the following mobile phone: 06-20-937-0809.

You may find a list of nearby restaurants in this doc file.

In Hungary the local currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF, Forint). The present exchange rate is: one Euro is about 240-250 Forints and one US dollar is about 190-200 Forints. See also
Please note that the banks and money exchange offices are usually open only in the morning and early afternoon. It is best therefore if you change some money at the airport, or the railways station you arrive. You can get Forint from ATM's. The weather in August is mostly sunny and warm with the average temperature between 25-30 C. (77 - 86 F.) However, rain and cold weather is also conceivable.

Health insurance and thus free health service in case if needed is provided for EU citizens in regard to their own national insurance coverage: however, to prove your eligibility, you should bring with you a form, called E 111, which is issued and signed by your employer. For other citizens, please check whether your stay is covered by your current insurance policy.

Hungary is a nice place to spend some time, once you have the occasion to come over. For some impressions and ideas of possible touristic, recreational or cultural programmes, please visit and

this page has been maintained by Attila Lévai