Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system. Submissions must be received in electronic form by 11:59pm (Central European local time), June 20, 2009.
Submissions should be no longer than 12 single-spaced A4 pages with 1.25-inch margins all around, everything included (title, authors, addresses, abstract, references, figures, tables), in at least a 10-point font. An optional short appendix may contain details or additional data to be consulted at the discretion of the program committee. Note that authors of accepted papers will have to reformat them for the proceedings using the Springer LNCS style, which has even wider margins. It may save the authors' some work if this format is used from the outset. The submission must include the corresponding author's email address.
Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished work. At the time the paper is submitted to the conference, and for the entire review period, the paper should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal.
Note that accepted papers will be considered as preliminary work, and may be submitted to a journal publication after notification of acceptance.
Successful submissions will be invited for a 20-minute presentation, and the paper will be printed in the conference proceedings, which will be published by Springer in the "Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics" series.
Address any questions to the program committee chairs.