
It is our pleasure to announce a five day Summer School on Characteristic Classes of Singular Spaces, hosted by the Alfred Rényi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The school is supported by BudAlgGeo, a Marie Curie Host Fellowship for the Transfer of Knowledge program of the European Union.

The aim of the school is to bring interested graduate students and researchers up-to-date on this fast developing and beautiful subject - starting from an introductory level.

About the lectures

There will be four series of lectures given by

  • Paolo Aluffi (Florida State University)
  • Jean-Paul Brasselet (Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy)
  • Jörg Schürmann (University of Münster)
  • Tatsuo Suwa (Niigata University)

A limited amount of funding may be available to graduate students.

For more information about the school or if you would like to participate please contact one of

The Organizers

Jean-Paul Brasselet (Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy)
András Némethi (Rényi Institute)
András Szenes (Budapest Technical Univeristy)
Balázs Szendröi (University of Oxford)