Scientific Program

Please note that the program may still change.

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Monday, July 17
9:45 Graham, R.
Old and new problems and results in Ramsey theory
  coffee break
11:00 Toft, B.
Contraction-double-critical graphs
Morris, R.
Bootstrap percolation in [n]d
11:25 Csaba, B.
Approximate multipartite version of the Hajnal-Szemeredi Theorem
Szabó, T.
Turán's Theorem in the hypercube
11:50 Liu, H.
Highly connected subgraphs in multicoloured graphs
Bona, M.
On some surprisingly high probabilities concerning compositions of integers.
  lunch break
14:00 Schrijver, L.
Graph algebras and invariants
14:45 Stojakovic, M.
The games of planarity and k-colorability
Recski, A.
Combinatorial conditions for the rigidity of tensegrity frameworks
15:10 Bartnicki, T.
The game chromatic index of graphs
Kempner, Y
Algorithmic and polyhedral characterization of poly-antimatroids
  coffee break
16:05 Niwczyk, S.
Weight choosability of graphs
Schmitt, J.
On a Relationship of Two Extremal Functions
16:30 Berke, R.
Relaxed Two-Coloring of Cubic Graphs
Kun, G.
A concept of expander relational structures and an application
16:55 Barát, J.
Claw decompositions and orientations of graphs
Chernov, A.
On a probabilistic aspect of Grunbaum's problem
17:20 Pluhár, A.
On diameter games
Vallentin, F.
New Upper Bounds for Kissing Numbers

Tuesday, July 18
9:00 Bollobás, B.
Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
9:45 Frankl, P.
Intersection theorems for finite sets
  coffee break
11:00 Simonyi, G.
Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs
Kalinowski, T.
Maximal flat antichains of minimum weight
11:25 Vojtechovsky, P.
Absence of rainbow cycles in edge-colored graphs
Bey, C.
On shadows of intersecting set systems
11:50 Balogh, J.
On the 2-detour subgraphs of the hypercube
Elekes, Gy.
Incidences: unit circles vs. straight lines
  lunch break
14:00 Hajnal, A.
Rainbow Ramsey theorems
14:45 Soukup, L.
On the border of finite and infinite
  coffee break
16:05 Pach, J.
Erdős-Hajnal type theorems
Pinciu, V.
Guards, Guarded Guards, and Connected Guards in Art Galleries
16:30 Körner, J.
Infinite permutations and graph capacity
Hoffmann, F.
The Number of Vertex Guards for Orthogonal Polygons with Holes
16:55 Skokan, J.
Ramsey properties for graphs and hypergraphs
Szabo, S.
Columns of Uniform Color in a Cyclically Repeated Pattern of 3 Colors
17:20 Montágh, B.
Ramsey's Theorem under density conditions
Shabanov, D.
On the B-property of hypergraphs and its generalisations

Wednesday, July 19
9:00 Reed, B.
Random minimum weight spanning trees and shortest path trees
9:45 Vu, V.
Random discrete matrices
  coffee break
11:00 Martin, R.
Recent results on packing problems in multipartite graphs
Butler, S.
Enumerating (multiplex) juggling sequences
11:25 Vanetik, N.
Integer path packing and a related multiflow optimization problem
Fleiner, T.
On reverse Prüfer codes
11:50 Cichacz, S.
Decomposition of complete bipartite graphs into open trails
Hell, S.
On the number of Tverberg partitions

Thursday, July 20
9:00 T. Sós, V.
Convergence of graph sequences and generalized quasi-random graphs
9:45 Kim, J.
Phase Transitions in the random 3-SAT problem and the random NK landscape model
  coffee break
11:00 Egawa, Y.
2-factors in 2-connected star-free graphs
Johnson, R.
Intersection theorems for weighted sets
11:25 Vesztergombi, K.
Distance of graphs and property testing
Tokushige, N.
An extension of the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem
11:50 Solymosi, J.
Removal Lemma for C4-s
Miklós, D.
Extremal subsets of the vertices of the hypercube and subsums of a finite sum
  lunch break
14:00 Nesetril, J.
Homomorphisms – logic and combinatorics
14:45 Öhman, L. D.
Directed 2-factors without 2-cycles
Shitova, I.
On the chromatic numbers of spaces with few forbidden distances.
15:10 Wu, L.
Semi-circle law for random regular graphs
Raigorodskii, A.
On the chromatic numbers of metric spaces
  coffee break
16:05 Costello, K.
The Rank of Random Graphs
Williford, J.
On an Embedding Question of Erdős
16:30 Friedrich, T.
Deterministic Random Walks on the Two-Dimensional Grid
Lengyel, T.
Some aspects of the aimed gambler's ruin problem
16:55 Wollan, P.
K6 Minors in Large 6 Connected Graphs
Russell, P.
Independence for partition regular equations
17:20 Hefetz, D.
Hamilton cycles in highly-connected expander graphs
Talbot, J.
Intersecting families on matchings

Friday, July 21
9:00 Spencer, J.
Counting Connected Graphs
9:45 Tardos, G.
Extremal theory of geometric graphs
  coffee break
11:00 Schacht, M.
On the bandwidth conjecture of Bollobás and Komlós
Szkaliczki, T.
Combinatorial optimisation problems in multimedia
11:25 Amini, O.
On the Path-width of Planar and Outer-Planar Graphs
Doerr, B.
Matrix Rounding and Approximation
11:50 Oum, S.
Excluding a Bipartite Circle Graph From Line Graphs
Bukh, B.
Induced subgraphs of Ramsey graphs with many distinct degrees
  lunch break
14:00 Füredi, Z.
Hypergraph generalizations of Turan's theorem
14:45 Bárány, I.
Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs
  coffee break
16:05 Biró, P.
How lives can be saved by applying Graph Theory?
Lemons, N., Palmer, C.
Unbalanced set systems
16:30 Wang, X.
Number of tree stars
Felszeghy, B.
Algebraic properties of modulo q l-wide families
16:55 Belk, M.
Realizabilty of Graphs
Kang, R.
Circular choice number of planar graphs
17:20 Christofides, D.
Induced lines in Hales-ewett cubes

Please note that the program may still change.

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