- Zalán Gyenis (Rényi Institute): Reducts of countable homogeneous structures
- Kálmán Cziszter (Rényi Institute): Invariáns gyuruk faktorizálás-elm&ecauteelete
- Tamás Terpai (Rényi Institute): Representing homology by nice maps
- Gergő Nemes (CEU): Error bounds for the asymptotic expansion of the Gamma function
- Miklós Rásonyi (Rényi Institute): Investment decisions
- Ágnes Backhausz (ELTE/Rényi Intézet): Ramanujan graphings and randomized local algorithms
- Gergely Székely (Rényi Intézet): Does faster than light motion contradict Einstein's theory of relativity?
- Marco Golla (Rényi Institute): Knots, polynomials and categorification
- Miklós István (Rényi Institute): How can an easy counting problem turn into an extremely hard one? (well, quite easily...)
- Richárd Balka (Rényi Institute): Genericity and prevalence
- Gábor Pete (BME): The near-critical planar Ising Random Cluster model
- Zoltán Léka (Rényi Institute): Time regularity properties of bounded linear operators
- Balázs Keszegh (Rényi Inst): Coloring geometric hypergraphs
- Maciej Borodzik (University of Warsaw): Codimension of a singular point and related topics
- Viktor Harangi (Rényi Inst): How large dimension guarantees a given angle?
- Zsolt Patakfalvi (University of Washington): Hyperbolicity of moduli spaces: complex differential geometry meets algebraic geometry
- Dömötör Pálvölgyi (ELTE): Consistent digital line segments
- Gergely Ambrus (Renyi Inst) A glimpse into high dimensional convex geometry
- Alexander Varchenko (University of North Carolina/Toulouse): Shapiro conjecture in real algebraic geometry and integrable systems
- Nagy Zoltán Lóránt és Csíkvári Péter: (ELTE): Sûrûségi Turán-problémáról
- Miklós Abért (Rényi): Rank gradient, cost of groups and the rank vs Heegaard genus problem
- Röst Gergely (SZTE): Egyszerü dinamikától kaotikus viselkedésig késleltetett visszacsatoláson keresztül
- Boldizsár Kalmár (CEU/Rényi Inst): Smooth maps between smooth manifolds
- Tamás Tasnádi (BME): Penrose tilings and dynamical systems in view of noncommutative geometry
- Peter Jossen (CEU): Subgroups of Mordell--Weil groups and reduction mod p
- Vera Vértesi (Rényi Inst): Contact structures and knots
- Márton Balázs (BME): Anomalous scaling of current fluctuations in interacting particle systems
- Mihály Weiner (Rényi Inst): Quasi-orthogonal decomposition of matrix algebras
- Máté Matolcsy (Rényi Inst): Spectral sets, tiling and sumsets
- István Miklós (Rényi Inst): Approximating with Markov chains
- Gergely Zábrádi (Cambridge/Münster): Non-commutative Iwasawa theory and the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
- Harald Helfgott (University of Bristol) Growth in groups - abelian and otherwise
- Herwig Hauser (Universität Wien): Resolution of Singularities (after Hironaka and successors)
- Benedek Valkó (University of Toronto): Random Matrices and the Brownian Carousel
- Gergely Harcos (Rényi Inst): Equidistribution on the modular surface and automorphic L-functions