Instructor: Dr. István BERKES
Text: W. Feller: An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications + handouts
Prerequisite: elementary calculus
Boolean operations, algebra of events, probabilities.
(F/I=Feller, ch. I.)
Inclusion-exclusion: the Sieve Formula. (F/IV.1)
Combinatorial reasoning in determining probabilities
(the hypergeometric distribution, occupancy problems).
Conditional probability, Bayes' rule, independence. (F/V)
Geometrical reasoning in determining probabilities
(some problems). (Handout)
Discrete random variables and their distributions
(hypergeometric, binomial, geometric and Poisson distributions).
Poisson approximation of binomial distribution. (F/VI)
The expectation, variance and covariance of discrete
random variables. (F/IX)
Nonnegative integer valued random variables. Convolution and
the generating function. (F/XI)
Applications of the generating function: branching process, first
passage and recurrence problems for random walks. (F/XII)
Bernoulli's Law of Large Numbers for binomially distributed random
variables. (F/VI)
An application: a probabilistic proof of Weierstrass' approximation
theorem. (Handout)
Normal approximation of the binomial distribution. (F/VII)
The general notion of random variable, distribution
functions (examples: uniform, exponential, normal (or Gauss),
Cauchy and lognormal distributions).
Convolution. Convolution of Gaussians: stability. Convolution
of exponentials: the $\Gamma$-distributions. (Handout)
Expectation, variance, covariance and higher moments
of general random variables. (Handout)
Markov's and Chebyshev's inequalities. The Weak Law of Large
Numbers. (F/IX,X)
The Borel--Cantelli lemma and the Strong Law
of Large Numbers. (F/VIII)
Kolmogorov's inequality and the Strong Law of Large Numbers
(continued). (F/IX,X)
The characteristic function, basic properties,
examples. (Handout)
Weak convergence of probability distributions, equivalent formulations.
The method of characteristic functions in
proving weak convergence: the Central Limit Theorem.
With special emphasis on problem solving!