Hungarian Language 2A and 2B (Intermediate
level Hungarian) H2A and H2B
Instructors: Dr. Erika FALLIER and Ádám SZEKFÛ
Magyar gyakorlókönyv. Haladó
Grammar reference book: Törkenczy, M.: Hungarian Verbs and Essentials
of Grammar
Prerequisite: A knowledge of "survival Hungarian"
( the 80 hour intensive course or equivalent)
Material to be covered:
reinforcement of basic grammar points
comparative and superlative degree of adjectives,
plural possessive suffixes of nouns
different uses of subjunctive mood
conditional mood of verbs
building complex sentences
Language functions:
conversation techniques
description and narration.
Language skills:
developing speaking skills
introducing reading and writing skills
Journal writing for personalized language learning
Project with the title ``This is my Budapest" (Ez az én Budapestem")
Scheduled individual consultation throughout the term
for proposal for the project: first week of March
for finished project: first week of May