Instructor: Dr. Károly BÖRÖCZKY
Text: handouts,
Prerequisite: Calculus
Course description: This course is actually an introduction which however, depending on the background of the class may quickly reach the most important specific areas of analysis.
Metric spaces, topology of metric spaces
Sequences, convergence, Cauchy sequences, limsup and liminf
Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem
Complete metric spaces, Banach fixed point theorem
Continuous functions, compact and connected sets
Infinite series, convergent and absolutely convergent series
Convergence tests, power series
Cauchy-Hadamard formula
Limit of functions, differentiation
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Taylor series
Differentiation of multivariable functions, partial derivatives
Implicit and inverse function theorems
Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, basic properties
Integration in Rn
--- introduction
Uniform, pointwise and $L_2$-convergence
Arzela-Ascoli theorem, compact sets in $C(X)$
Fourier series, various convergence theorems
Theorem of Fejér and Riesz-Fisher