The Making of Modern Central Europe HIS

Instructor:  Dr. Andrea PETÕ

Required Text:
Richard J. Crampton, Eastern Europe in the 20th century and After. Routledge, 1994
Stephen Lee, Aspects of European History, 1789-1980, Methuen, 1982. (available at the administration) selected parts

Recommended text:
Laszlo Kontler, Millenium in Central Europe. History of Hungary, Budapest, Atlantisz, 1999.

Course description:
This course is designed as a general survey of history of East Central Europe from the 1848  till today to understand current events and their historical background. The focus will be primarily, although not exclusively on East Central Europe. During the lectures handout help in further orientation.

1. Introduction and Definitions: Eastern Europe and Central Europe (Crampton ch.1.)
2. 1848: The Spring of Peoples the Fall of Revolutions (Lee ch. 6-7)
3. Perspectives on  Unifications (Lee ch. 9. 10.)
4. First World War: The End of the Nineteenth Centrury. How did the Twentieth Century Begin? (Lee ch. 16. 17)
5. Totalitarianism in Europe: Italy, Germany (Lee ch. 21. 23. 24 )
6. Russia and the Making of the Soviet Union (Lee ch.  11. 18. 19.25. 29)
7. Interwar Eastern Europe (Crampton  ch. 2., 11., recomended 3-11)
8. Second World War and the Holocaust (Lee ch. 30. Crampton ch. 12.)
9. Making the Communism in Eastern Europe (Crampton ch. 13, 14, 15)
10. Resistence to Communism (Crampton ch. 16. 17. 18)
11. The Building of the State Socialism and Collapse of Communism (Crampton  ch. 19.20. 21)
12. The Revolutions of 1989-1991 and After (Crampton ch. 22. 23. )