Total: 433
Done: 394
- finished typing: 418
- finished test: 416
Typing: total number of attempts: 534
- average number of attempts: 1.28
- average typing speed: 156 chars/min
- average number of errors: 7.63
Multiple choice - correct answers (number of trials)
- general: 81.41% (548)
- groupwise 81.35% (535)
- word 78.87% (526)
Offline: total number of attempts: 675 for 407 exams
- accepted: 394
- offline taken on average: 1.66 times
- offline taken successfully 96.81% (percentage of exams)
OK 32% (81),
missing: 0, 1: 3, 2: 11, 5: 157,
Question #40:
are in Word, and you have Excel, Access, and Internet Explorer open.
How do you get from Word to Internet Explorer with the fewest
keystrokes or mouse clicks?
- Click the minimize button for each application until Internet Explorer is visible.
- Right-click the Taskbar and select Internet Explorer.
- Press Alt+Tab until Internet Explorer is visible.
- Click the close button for each application until Internet Explorer is visible.
- Click Internet Explorer in the Taskbar to make it visible.
OK: 38% (87),
missing: 2, 1: 38, 2: 40, 4: 66,
Question #45:
Data can be accidentally, or deliberately altered or lost. Here are some examples of how data can be lost: - Someone spills coffee over a floppy disk
- A file is saved with an identical name to the original data file replacing it with text
- A manager leaves an important disk containing data on the train
- A virus corrupts the data
- The disk has unknowlingly been left near a magnetic source that has corrupted the data
- The data is updated with incorrect information
- A hard drive crash causes some of the data to be unrecoverable
- A hacker gained access to your files and erased them out of mischief
- Your floppy disk develops a fault and can't be read anymore
- A disk is accidentally reformatted, wiping its contents
The number of accidental ways that data may be lost among these:
OK: 58% (287),
missing: 2, 1: 3, 2: 172, 3: 29,
Question #22:
want to invite a dozen of your friends to your birthday party. You
decide to send them e-mails. How would you prepare the e-mails?
- Create an invitation page in Word, and send the document as an attachement; left the Subject field and the message field empty.
- Create an invitation page in Word, send it as an attachement, fill
the Subject field with "Invitation" and the message would be "See the
- Create an invitation page in Word, send it as an attachement, fill
the Subject field with "Invitation" and repeat the content of your
invitation as the body of your message.
- Enter your invitation in the body of the message, fill the Subject field, and forget about lengthy attachements.
OK: 19% (20),
missing: 3, 1: 12, 3: 74,
Question #70:
want to keep an important paragraph together on a page, but it's
breaking between two pages. How can you keep the paragraph together?
- There isn't an option to do this.
- Select File -> Page Setup from the menu, click the Paragraph tab, and then click the Keep Together box.
- Select Format -> Paragraph from the menu, click the Line and Page Breaks tab, and then check the Keep with next box.
OK: 25% (29),
missing: 3, 1: 13, 3: 67, 4: 5,
Question #9:
you right-click in a cell of a table placed in your Word document you
can see the properties and options. What is the function of the split
cells option?
- It divides an existing cell horizontally into 2 equal cells
- It divides an existing cell vertically into 2 equal cells
- It allows you to divide an existing cell of a table into more rows and columns
- It allows you to merge 2 or more existing cells with one another
11. oldal