Watch the video of Jo Wood's talk, and of András Máthé's talk.
Almost all talks, events will be held at Eötvös University's (ELTE) downtown campus in two buildings very close to each other: Gólyavár (main lecture rooms) and Building B (room 172). Address: Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8.
CG Week 2018
The Computational Geometry Week (CG Week 2018) is the premier international forum for advances in computational geometry and its many applications. The next edition will take place in Budapest, Hungary, June 11-14, 2018.
CG week combines a number of events, most notably the 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2018), the associated workshops, and the Young Researchers Forum.
The Best Student Presentation Award was split between:
Ivor Hoog V.D.: Dynamic Smooth Compressed Quadtrees, and
Aurélien Ooms: Subquadratic Encodings for Point Configurations
The CG Week Program is available.
The conference Proceedings have been published.
Apply for Travel Support for Students and Postdocs at US Institutions.
Important Dates
December 4, 2017: Abstracts due (23:59 PST)
December 11, 2017: Papers due (23:59 PST)
February 14, 2018: Notification of acceptance/rejection
March 19, 2018: Final versions of accepted papers due
June 11–14, 2018: Symposium
Local Organizing Committee
János Pach (Chair), Rényi Inst. of
Budapest and EPFL, Lausanne,
Géza Tóth (co-Chair), Rényi Inst. of Math,
Imre Bárány, Rényi Inst. of Math.,
Budapest and UCL, London,
Balázs Keszegh, Rényi Inst. of
Math., Budapest,
Dezső Miklós, Rényi Inst. of Math.,
Márton Naszódi, Eötvös Univ.,
Dömötör Pálvölgyi, Eötvös Univ.,
Program Committee
Luis Barba, ETH Zürich, Switzerland,
Pavle V.M. Blagojevic, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
and Mathematical Institute of SASA, Serbia,
Karl Bringmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany,
Siu-Wing Cheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China,
Khaled Elbassioni, Masdar Institute, United Arab Emirates,
Jeff Erickson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA,
Fabrizio Frati, Roma Tre University, Italy,
Jie Gao, Stony Brook University, USA,
Andreas Holmsen, KAIST, Republic of South Korea,
Minghui Jiang, Utah State University, USA,
Michael Kerber, TU Graz, Austria,
David Mount, University of Maryland, USA,
Elizabeth Munch, Michigan State University, USA,
Steve Oudot, INRIA Saclay, France,
Dömötör Pálvölgyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary,
Benjamin Raichel, University of Texas at Dallas, USA,
Orit E. Raz, University of British Columbia, Canada,
Bettina Speckmann (co-chair), TU
Eindhoven, the Netherlands,
Andrew Suk, University of California, San Diego, USA,
Csaba D. Tóth (co-chair), California State
University Northridge, USA
Shira Zerbib, University of Michigan and MSRI, USA.
Proceedings Chair
Wouter Meulemans, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Workshop Committees
Carola Wenk (chair), Tulane University, USA
Maarten Löffler, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Brittany Terese Fasy, Montana State University, USA
Suresh Venkatasubramanian, University of Utah, USA
Young Researchers Forum
Don Sheehy (chair), University of Connecticut, USA,
Peyman Afshani, Aarhus University, Denmark
Chao Chen, CUNY Queens College, USA,
Elena Khramtcova, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium,
Irina Kostitsyna, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Jon Lenchner, IBM Research, Africa, USA,
Nabil Mustafa, ESIEE Paris, France,
Amir Nayyeri , Oregon State University, USA,
Haitao Wang, Utah State University, USA,
Yusu Wang, The Ohio State University, USA.
Xavier Goaoc (chair), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
Satyan Devadoss, University of San Diego, USA
Anne Driemel, Eindhoven Technical University, Netherlands
Francis Lazarus, CNRS, France
Mira Shalah, Stanford University, USA
Frank Staals, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Ileana Streinu, Smith College, USA
SoCG 2018
c/o Géza Tóth
Renyi Institute of Math
Realtanoda u. 13-15.
Budapest 1053
mail: socg18 (at) renyi (dot) hu
fax: +36 1 483 8333