Agi Kurucz: Many-dimensional modal logics Abstract It is now well-known that the Kripke (or relational) semantics for modal logic was anticipated by Jonsson and Tarski's work on Boolean algebras with operators. As a particular case of this connection, various classes of cylindric set algebras correspond to multimodal logics characterised by classes of `many-dimensional' frames: the worlds of these frames are n-tuples, and two such n-tuples are i-related iff they differ at most in their i-th coordinates. The accessibility relations resulting this way are equivalence relations. A natural generalisation of this kind of frames are those relational structures where - the worlds are still n-tuples - the relations between them * still `act coordinate-wise' * but not necessarily equivalence relations. Various restrictions on these accessibility relations give rise to different many-dimensional modal logics. I will give an overview of axiomatisability and decidability results in this area, and describe some of the ideas behind the used methods.