Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
which has recently been awarded the grant
Centre of Excellence of the European Union, will host a 3 week programme in
September 2001, in cooperation with
The Erdős Summer Institute,
and the European networks
and Arithmetic
Algebraic Geometry. This event is supported by the EU High Level
Scientific Conferences Project (proposal HIGHARITHM, contract No. HPCF 2001-00062).
Organizing Committee: Károly
Böröczky, Jr.,
András Némethi and
Tamás Szamuely.
The programme is organized in order to encourage collaboration between specialists in higher dimensional complex geometry and those studying arithmetic/diophantine questions. In recent years it became apparent that the powerful geometric tools elaborated in connection with Mori's Minimal Model Program have applications over arithmetic ground fields as well. We hope that bringing together experts and graduate students specialising in higher dimensional geometry or arithmetic will induce further cross-fertilization between the two fields and give rise to new powerful results.
Main topics:
Abstracts of lecture courses:
These two weeks (8-22 September) following the Instructional Conference are mainly devoted to research work and informal discussions of a limited number of participants. There is a research seminar featuring roughly two lectures a day, usually in the morning. These are complemented by informal seminars in the afternoon, for smaller groups of participants. Ample time is left for free discussions.
The programme is supported by the EU Center of Excellence and
High Level Scientific Conferences
projects and by the Paul Erdös Centre. We can cover accomodation and
travel costs for selected participants. The instructional conference is agreed by
the TMR network on "Arithmetic Geometry"; participants coming from a node of
this network and requiring travel support should contact their local
For further inquiries send an email to
or contact one of the local organizers by regular mail at the following address: