US - Hungarian Workshop on Large-Scale Random Graph Methods for Modeling
Mesoscopic Behavior in Biological and Physical Systems, August 28-September 4, 2006, Budapest, Hungary

Student Travel Support

List of NSF Student Travel Grant Awardees, May 2006

Griffin Drutchas, Kalamazoo College
Yannet Interian, Cornell University
Rob Schick, Duke University
Clara Scholl, NIH
David Offner, Carnegie Mellon University
Mike Stringer, Northwestern University
Eric Treml, Duke University
Erik Volz, Cornell University

Awardees please contact Barbara Marese at University of Memphis for travel arrangements

Conditions and Application Process - Closed! (see Awardee List above)

Limited amount of funding is available to cover the cost of participation at the WS of outstanding research students from the USA. Only US citizens or premanent residents should apply. Financial support includes travel, accommodation, and basic sustainance costs during the Workshop. If you are a student applying for financial support, please clearly indicate this with your original abstract submission. In accordance with NSF policies, applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged.

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