US - Hungarian Workshop on Large-Scale Random Graph Methods for Modeling
Mesoscopic Behavior in Biological and Physical Systems, August 28-September 4, 2006, Budapest, Hungary


March 30 - Deadline of contributed paper submission

Interested researchers should submit a brief (up to 500 words) summary stating their research interest as related to the WS, and contact details. Submissions are to be sent to

March 30 - Deadline of application for student travel support

Application details are found at Student support opportunities - Closed.

April 15 - Author notification.

Authors are notfied on the progress with the Workshop program. Student applicants will be notified about the result of the student award procedure.

For a list of student awards visit Student Travel Awards. Congratulations!

July 22 - Contributed Presentation Abstract submission deadline.

A brief summary/abstract of max 2 pages to be sumbitted to organizer by the deadline to be included in the Book of Abstracts.

August 28 to September 4 - Workshop Events

Proceedings Volume

A Bolyai-Springer volume "Large Scale Random Graph Methods for Modeling Mesoscopic Behavior in Biological and Physical Systems," eds. Bela Bollobas, Robert Kozma, Dezso Miklos, Gabor Tusnady, will be edited based on the materials of the conference.

Details of the publication will be communicated later.

Go back to Workshop front page.