------------------------- Name: Csirmaz Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: Gabor M. Sagi Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: --- Departure: infty Lecture: yes Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: sagi@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Alexandre Costa-Leite Affiliation:Institute of Logic, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland Arrival: 04 Departure: 12 Lecture: yes Title: On the combination of logics Section: Algebraic Logic email: alexandre.costa@unine.ch ------------------------- Name: Ildiko Sain Affiliation:senior research fellow Arrival: I live in Bp Departure: I live in Bp Lecture: yes Title: On the complexiti of axiomatization of various classes of algebras developed in algebraic logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: sain@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Andras Hajnal Affiliation:renyi Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: ahajnal@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Csirmaz László Affiliation:Csak próba!!! Arrival: Aug 13 Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: guest@degas.ceu.hu ------------------------- Name: Csirmaz László Affiliation:Csak próba!!! Arrival: Aug 13 Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: guest@degas.ceu.hu ------------------------- Name: G sagi Affiliation:Renyi Inst. Arrival: cont. Departure: infty Lecture: yes Title: Section: other email: sagi@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Gordon, Yevgeniy I. Affiliation:Eastern Illinois University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Theory of Hyperfinite Sets Section: Set theory email: cfyig@eiu.edu ------------------------- Name: Benedikt Loewe Affiliation:ILLC, UvA Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: loewe@math.uni-bonn.de ------------------------- Name: Agatha Walczak-Typke Affiliation:University of Leeds Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: TBA Section: Set theory email: agatha@maths.leeds.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: Valeri Plisko Affiliation:Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Predicate logics of constructive theories Section: other email: plisko@ttk.ru; plisko@lpcs.math.msu.su ------------------------- Name: Valeri Plisko Affiliation:Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Predicate logics of constructive theories Section: other email: plisko@ttk.ru ------------------------- Name: Sonia L'Innocente Affiliation:PhD student Arrival: 05/08/2005 Departure: 12/08/2005 Lecture: yes Title: The divisible part of the Ziegler Spectrum of RG Section: Algebraic Logic email: sonia.linnocente@unicam.it ------------------------- Name: Lucy Smith Affiliation:Oxford University, UK Arrival: 5 August Departure: 11 August Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: smithlm@maths.ox.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: Leire Urbieta Beobide Affiliation:University of the Basque Country Arrival: august 4 Departure: august 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ilburbel@sc.ehu.es ------------------------- Name: Antonino Salibra Affiliation:University of Venice Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Universal algebra and lambda calculus Section: Algebraic Logic email: salibra@dsi.unive.it ------------------------- Name: Mildenberger Affiliation:University of Vienna, Institute for Formal Logic Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: tba Section: Set theory email: heike@logic.univie.ac.at ------------------------- Name: Ville Nurmi Affiliation:University of Helsinki Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ville.v.nurmi@helsinki.fi ------------------------- Name: Ivonne Pallares Affiliation:Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ipv@buzon.uaem.mx ------------------------- Name: Forti Marco Affiliation:Universita` di Pisa Arrival: august 5 Departure: august 11 Lecture: yes Title: A new way of counting infinite sets Section: Set theory email: forti@dma.unipi.it ------------------------- Name: Michal PELIS Affiliation:Dep. of Logic, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: michal.pelis@ff.cuni.cz ------------------------- Name: Jose M. Turull-Torres Affiliation:Information Science Research Centre, Dept. of Information Systems, Massey University, Private Box 756, Wellington, New Zealand Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: J.M.Turull@massey.ac.nz ------------------------- Name: Renato Lewin Affiliation:P.U.Catolica de Chile Arrival: August 4 ? Departure: August 12 ? Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: rlewin@mat.puc.cl ------------------------- Name: Peter Vojtas Affiliation:DCS PJSafarik Univ. Kosice, Slovakia Arrival: 4.8. Departure: 12.8. Lecture: yes Title: Many valued logic in Computer Science applications Section: Algebraic Logic email: vojtas@kosice.upjs.sk ------------------------- Name: Justin Moore Affiliation:Boise State University Arrival: Aug 5 Departure: Aug 11 Lecture: yes Title: Basis problems Section: Set theory email: justin@math.boisestate.edu ------------------------- Name: proba Affiliation:proba Arrival: proba Departure: proba Lecture: no Title: proba Section: SpaceTime email: qwak@radiant.tvnet.hu ------------------------- Name: Szabolcs Mikulas Affiliation:Birkbeck College Arrival: Aug. 5 Departure: Aug. 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: szabolcs@dcs.bbk.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: John Fuhrmann Affiliation:University of Colorado Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: fuhrmann@colorado.edu ------------------------- Name: John Serembus Affiliation:Widener University Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Functional Completeness of Propostional Logic Section: other email: john.serembus@widener.edu ------------------------- Name: Masahiro Shioya Affiliation:University of Tsukuba Arrival: Aug. 4 Departure: Aug. 11 Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: shioya@math.tsukuba.ac.jp ------------------------- Name: Ken Shiotani Affiliation: Arrival: August 3rd Departure: August 11th Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: saltcat@bc4.so-net.ne.jp ------------------------- Name: Arnon Avron Affiliation:School of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv Israel Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Predicative Set Theory Section: Set theory email: aa@math.tau.ac.il ------------------------- Name: Felix Bou Affiliation:JAIST Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: bou ------------------------- Name: Felix Bou Affiliation:JAIST Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: bou@jaist.ac.jp ------------------------- Name: Jesse Alama Affiliation:Stanford University Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: alama@stanford.edu ------------------------- Name: Maria Gloria Schwarze Affiliation:Universidad Catolica de Chile Arrival: August-3 Departure: August-13 Lecture: yes Title: A model whith labelling where C has no labelling by subsets Section: Set theory email: gschwarz@mat.puc.cl ------------------------- Name: Maria Victoria Marshall Affiliation:Universidad Catolica de Chile Arrival: August-3 Departure: August-13 Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: vmarshal@mat.puc.cl ------------------------- Name: Stephen Read Affiliation:University of St Andrews Arrival: 5 August Departure: 11 August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: slr@st-and.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: Giandomenico Sica Affiliation:University of Neuchâtel Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: Giandomenico Sica Affiliation:University of Neuchâtel Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Constructive Mathematics Section: other email: giandomenico.sica@polimetrica.com ------------------------- Name: Judit Madarasz Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Section: SpaceTime email: madarasz@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: olu-oyebade felix Affiliation:pastoria college Arrival: august 4th Departure: august 12th Lecture: no Title: none Section: SpaceTime email: badixy2k@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Barry Loewer Affiliation:Rutgers Philosophy Arrival: August 1 2005 Departure: July 2006 Lecture: yes Title: Statistical Mechanics and temporal direction Section: SpaceTime email: loewer@rci.rutgers.edu ------------------------- Name: David J. BenDaniel Affiliation:Cornell University Arrival: 4 Aug Departure: 11 Aug Lecture: yes Title: Definability in Physics Section: SpaceTime email: djb16@cornell.edu ------------------------- Name: LEOPOLDO ROMAN Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: LEOPOLDO ROMAN Affiliation:INSTITUTO DE MATEMATICAS,UNAM Arrival: 4 august Departure: 12 august Lecture: yes Title: QUANTIFERS AND QUANTALES Section: Algebraic Logic email: leopoldo@math.unam.mx ------------------------- Name: Gergely Székely Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Section: SpaceTime email: turms@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Robin Hudson Affiliation:Nottingham University Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: robin.hudson@ntu.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: Graczyńska Affiliation:Technical University of opole Arrival: 5 August Departure: 11 August Lecture: yes Title: M-hyperquas-equational logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: March 2005 ------------------------- Name: Gordon Belot Affiliation:University of Pittsburgh Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 10 Lecture: yes Title: What is the Problem of Time? Section: SpaceTime email: gbelot@pitt.edu ------------------------- Name: Tarek Sayed Ahmed Affiliation:Cairo University Arrival: 3 of August, 2005 Departure: after the conference Lecture: yes Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: rutahmed@rusys.eg.net ------------------------- Name: DAMPHOUSSE Pierre Affiliation:Université de Tours (France) Arrival: August 3 Departure: August 13 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: damphousse@univ-tours.fr ------------------------- Name: Adam Trybus Affiliation:University of Zielona Gora, Poland Arrival: VIII.5 Departure: VII.11 Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: simplicio@o2.pl ------------------------- Name: KWAKU DEI AMOANI Affiliation: Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: kwakudei@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Tordai Renáta Affiliation:ELTE TTK Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: renatatordai@mail.eol.hu ------------------------- Name: Csillingh Csaba Affiliation:GDF Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: razor_lista@freemail.hu ------------------------- Name: Pásztorné Varga Katalin Affiliation:ELTE IK Budapest Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: Josep Maria Font Affiliation:University of Barcelona Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: On logics defined by preservation of truth degrees Section: Algebraic Logic email: jmfont@ub.edu ------------------------- Name: Ladislav Kvasz Affiliation:Comenius University Bratislava Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: kvasz@fmph.uniba.sk ------------------------- Name: ANGEL GARRIDO Affiliation:DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMATICAS FUNDAMENTALES, UNED, MADRID Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: yes Title: LOGIC AND A. I. Section: other email: algbmv@telefonica.net ------------------------- Name: Donald Monk Affiliation:University of Colorado, Boulder Arrival: 05 Aug. Departure: 11 Aug Lecture: yes Title: Problems on Boolean algebras Section: Set theory email: don.monk@colorado.edu ------------------------- Name: John Krueger Affiliation:University of Vienna Arrival: ? Departure: ? Lecture: yes Title: ? Section: Set theory email: jkrueger@logic.univie.ac.at ------------------------- Name: Alexey Stukachev Affiliation:Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Presentations of structures in admissible sets Section: Algebraic Logic email: aistu@math.nsc.ru ------------------------- Name: SUNDAY AGBONZE Affiliation:OZYBERG INVESTMENT COMPANY Arrival: AUGUST 4 2005 Departure: AUGUST 11 2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: OZYBERG_INVESTMENT_COM@YAHOO.COM ------------------------- Name: Alexei Grinbaum Affiliation:CREA, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Time and information-theoretic approach to quantum theory Section: SpaceTime email: grinbaum@poly.polytechnique.fr ------------------------- Name: Andras Simon Affiliation:Technical University, Budapest Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: andras@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: DR NYONG GODWIN Affiliation:GSA LIMITED Arrival: 04 August Departure: 12 August Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: gsalimited@hotmail.com ------------------------- Name: Prof.Dr.Egon Boerger Affiliation:University of Pisa, currently visiting SAP Research Arrival: presumably Saturday August 6 Departure: presumably Thursday August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Abstract State Machines: Tuning computation Theory for a Logical Foundation of Systems Engineering Section: other email: egon.boerger@sap.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Csirmaz László Invited: no Confirmation to: csirmaz@renyi.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Csak próba az egész!!!!!!! Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Invited: Confirmation to: Registering: persons Accompanying: persons Lunch tickets: days Diet request: BKV tickets: Total fee due: EUR Room request: Shared width: () Date: Aug - Aug Total booking: EUR --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Csirmaz László Invited: no Confirmation to: csirmaz@renyi.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Csak próba az egész!!!!!!! Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: Csirmaz László Affiliation:Matematikai Kutató Arrival: Aug 5 Departure: Aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: csirmaz@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Csirmaz László Affiliation:Matematikai Kutató Arrival: Aug 5 Departure: Aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: csirmaz@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: shaba olajide oladimeji Affiliation:ondo state universisty Arrival: august 4 Departure: august 13 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: shaba_inc@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: ffdfdsdfs Invited: no Confirmation to: - Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: shaba olajide oladimeji Invited: no Confirmation to: shaba_inc@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 160 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 13 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: billy hudson Affiliation:Boise State University Arrival: August 1 Departure: August 14 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: billyhudson@mail.boisestate.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: billy hudson Invited: no Confirmation to: billyhudson@mail.boisestate.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 266 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) My wife will be accompanying me. Date: Aug 1 - Aug 14 Total booking: EUR 480 ------------------------- Name: Philip Welch Affiliation:University of Bristol Arrival: 4/8/05 Departure: 12/8/05 Lecture: yes Title: TBA Section: Set theory email: p.welch@bristol.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: Boban Velickovic Affiliation:Universite de Paris 7 Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Reals in inner models of forcing axioms Section: Set theory email: boban@logique.jussieu.fr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Boban Velickovic Invited: yes Confirmation to: boban@logique.jussieu.fr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Sy-David Friedman Affiliation:Kurt Goedel Research Center, University of Vienna Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Strong Absoluteness Section: Set theory email: sdf@logic.univie.ac.at ------------------------- Name: Victor Pambuccian Affiliation:Arizona State University - West Campus Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Definability in Sepecial Relativity Section: SpaceTime email: pamb@math.west.asu.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Victor Pambuccian Invited: yes Confirmation to: pamb@math.west.asu.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 4 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Thomas Jech Affiliation:Math Inst Acad Sci Czech Rep Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: jech@math.cas.cz --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Thomas Jech Invited: yes Confirmation to: jech@math.cas.cz Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 50 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: John Earman Affiliation:University of Pittsburgh Arrival: August 3 Departure: August 7 Lecture: yes Title: Unsolved Problems in the Philosophy of Space and Time Section: SpaceTime email: jearman@pitt.edu ------------------------- Name: Don Monk Affiliation:University of Colorado, Boulder Arrival: Aug. 4, 18:55 Departure: Aug. 11, 09:30 Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: don.monk@colorado.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Don Monk Invited: yes Confirmation to: don.monk@colorado.edu Registering: 0 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Billy Hudson Invited: no Confirmation to: billyhudson@mail.boisestate.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 240 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) My accompanying wife. Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 270 ------------------------- Name: ANGEL GARRIDO Affiliation:UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid. Spain) Arrival: Aug 4, 2005 Departure: Aug 11, 2005 Lecture: yes Title: Algorithms & Problems: their complexity Section: Set theory email: algbmv@telefonica.net ------------------------- Name: Matthew Foreman Affiliation:UC Irvine Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Conjugacy of Measure Preserving Transformations Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: Moti Gitik Affiliation:Tel Aviv University Arrival: Aug. 5 Departure: Aug. 11 Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: gitik@post.tau.ac.il ------------------------- Name: Bertalan Pecsi Affiliation:phd student (ELTE TTK) Arrival: Aug. 4 Departure: Aug. 12 Lecture: yes Title: Categorial bridges in algebraic logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: aladar@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: ADENIJI A.ALLEX Affiliation:INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY Arrival: AUGUST 4TH Departure: AUGUST 4TH Lecture: yes Title: CENTER OF RING Section: Set theory email: INSTITUTECH@YAHOO.COM ------------------------- Name: Koepke, Peter Affiliation:Mathematical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: To be announced Section: Set theory email: koepke@math.uni-bonn.de --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Koepke, Peter Invited: yes Confirmation to: koepke@math.uni-bonn.de Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 13 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Norbert SAUER Affiliation:University of Calgary Arrival: 05-08-2005 Departure: 11-08-2005 Lecture: yes Title: Partitions of homogeneous structures Section: Set theory email: nsauer@math.ucalgary.ca ------------------------- Name: christian eneojo benjamin Affiliation: Arrival: april 15 Departure: april 28 Lecture: yes Title: Dr. Section: SpaceTime email: christain_kristen@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Ian Hodkinson Affiliation:Imperial College London Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Random graphs in algebraic and modal logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: imh@doc.ic.ac.uk ------------------------- Name: Christian Wüthrich Affiliation:University of Pittsburgh Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Considering the conceptual difficulties of riding a time machine Section: SpaceTime email: wuthrich@pitt.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Christian Wüthrich Invited: yes Confirmation to: wuthrich@pitt.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: GEORGE EKANGE Invited: no Confirmation to: g_ekangs@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: GEORGE EKANGE Invited: no Confirmation to: g_ekangs@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 240 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: Mark Hogarth Affiliation:HPS, Cambridge Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: ? Section: SpaceTime email: mhogarth@cantab.net ------------------------- Name: proba-no lecture Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: proba-yes lecture Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: Karin Cvetko-Vah Affiliation:PhD student Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Quantum logic and skew lattices Section: Algebraic Logic email: karin.cvetko@fmf.uni-lj.si ------------------------- Name: ADIGUN OLAIDE Affiliation:NETWORK COMMUNICATION NIG.LIMITED Arrival: 04/08/05 Departure: 11/08/05 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: laidevoice@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: AYOOLA EMMANUEL AKINNIYI Invited: yes Confirmation to: akinniyiayoola@yahoo.com Registering: 2 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 8 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 254 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) ADELAKIN AJAO SIKIRU Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: AYOOLA EMMANUEL AKINNIYI Affiliation:NETWORK COMMUNICATION NIGERIA LIMITED Arrival: 4/8/2005 Departure: 12/8/2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: AYOOLA EMMANUEL AKINNIYI Affiliation:NETWORK COMMUNICATION NIGERIA LIMITED Arrival: 4/8/2005 Departure: 12/8/2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: akinniyiayoola@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: AYOOLA EMMANUEL AKINNIYI Invited: no Confirmation to: akinniyiayoola@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 12 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 5 Total fee due: EUR 347 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) ADELAKIN AJAO SIKIRU Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 165 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: AYOOLA EMMANUEL AKINNIYI Invited: no Confirmation to: akinniyiayoola@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 12 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 5 Total fee due: EUR 347 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) ADELAKIN AJAO SIKIRU Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: William Boshuck Affiliation:John Abbott College (Montreal, Canada) Arrival: August 3 Departure: August 13 Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: boshuk@math.mcgill.ca ------------------------- Name: Saeed Salehi Affiliation:Turku Centre for Computer Science Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Polynomially bounded recursive realizability Section: other email: saeed@cs.utu.fi --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Chaatit Invited: no Confirmation to: F.Chaatit@alakhawayn.ma Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 296 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 330 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Angel Garrido Invited: no Confirmation to: ALGBMV@telefonica.net Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 14 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 270 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 330 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: ANGEL GARRIDO Invited: no Confirmation to: ALGBMV@telefonica.net Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 186 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 330 ------------------------- Name: LEOPOLDO ROMAN Affiliation:INSTITUTO DE MATEMATICAS,UNAM Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: A CHARACTERIZATION OF QUANC QUANTIFIERS FOR ORTHOMODULAR LATTICES Section: Algebraic Logic email: leopoldo@math.unam.mx ------------------------- Name: Bredikhin Dmitry Affiliation:Saratov, Lermontova 7-22, 410002, Russia Arrival: 4.08.05 Departure: 12.08.05 Lecture: yes Title: ON REDUCTS OF TARSKI'S ALGEBRAS OF RELATIONS Section: Algebraic Logic email: bredikhin@mail.ru ------------------------- Name: Bredikhin Dmitry Affiliation:Saratov, Lermontova 7-22, 410002, Russia Arrival: 4.08.05 Departure: 12.08.05 Lecture: yes Title: ON REDUCTS OF TARSKI'S ALGEBRAS OF RELATIONS Section: Algebraic Logic email: bredikhin@mail.ru ------------------------- Name: Bredikhin Dmitry Affiliation:Saratov, Lermontova 7-22, 410002, Russia Arrival: 4.08.05 Departure: 12.08.05 Lecture: yes Title: ON REDUCTS OF TARSKI'S ALGEBRAS OF RELATIONS Section: Algebraic Logic email: bredikhin@mail.ru --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: arogun oluwagbenga Invited: no Confirmation to: aros@europe.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 2 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 198 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: arogun oluwagbenga Affiliation:aros company Arrival: august 3 Departure: august 3 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: aros@europe.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: William Boshuck Invited: no Confirmation to: boshuk@math.mcgill.ca Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 8 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 284 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 13 Total booking: EUR 390 ------------------------- Name: George Kofi Nyarko Amofa Affiliation:Music Student Arrival: 09 August 2005 Departure: 15 August 2005 Lecture: yes Title: Logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: amofagkn@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: George Kofi Nyarko Amofa Affiliation:Music Student Arrival: 09 August 2005 Departure: 15 August 2005 Lecture: yes Title: Logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: amofagkn@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: DR NYONG GODWIN Affiliation:GSA LMITED Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Vojkan Vuksanovic Invited: no Confirmation to: vojkan.vuksanovic@helsinki.fi Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 225 ------------------------- Name: Kwame Ofei Anim Affiliation:Student Arrival: july Departure: september Lecture: no Title: Mr Section: SpaceTime email: kwame_ofei@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Kwame Ofei Anim Invited: no Confirmation to: kwame_ofei@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 4 Total fee due: EUR 322 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 275 ------------------------- Name: Vojkan Vuksanovic Affiliation:University of Helsinki Arrival: August,5 Departure: August,11 Lecture: yes Title: A canonical partition theorem for a large dense linear order Section: Set theory email: vojkan.vuksanovic@helsinki.fi ------------------------- Name: David Schrittesser Affiliation:Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic at the University of Vienna Arrival: august 1 Departure: august 11 Lecture: yes Title: lightface indescribable cardinals and forcing axioms Section: Set theory email: david@logic.univie.ac.at ------------------------- Name: Saeed Salehi Affiliation:University of Turku Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: saeed@cs.utu.fi --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Saeed Salehi Invited: no Confirmation to: saeed@cs.utu.fi Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 296 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 330 ------------------------- Name: Kenneth Kunen Affiliation:University of Wisconsin Arrival: August 3 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Connectivity in Compact Spaces Section: Set theory email: kunen@math.wisc.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Kenneth Kunen Invited: yes Confirmation to: kunen@math.wisc.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 13 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: ANGEL GARRIDO Invited: yes Confirmation to: ALGBMV@telefonica.net Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 2 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 13 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Tariq Ali Invited: no Confirmation to: tariqali27@hotmail.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Female Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: ENG.OLALEKAN OLUBUNMI AKANDE Affiliation:ISTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE RESEACH AND TRAINING . Arrival: AUGUST 01 Departure: AUGUST 15 Lecture: yes Title: PROGRAM OBJECTIVE AND STANDARDS Section: Algebraic Logic email: fedcolag@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: obanla ahmed olalekan Invited: yes Confirmation to: olabisi_onabanjo@yahoo.ca Registering: 2 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 2 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 3 Total fee due: EUR 249 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) abass olalade obanla Date: Aug 2 - Aug 13 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: matanmi babatunde Affiliation:sodet ventures nig Arrival: 4 august 2005 Departure: 12 august 2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: babatunde5002@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: matanmi babatunde akanni Invited: no Confirmation to: babatunde5002@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 3 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 241 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) no Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 300 ------------------------- Name: Alex Hellsten Affiliation:University of Helsinki Arrival: Aug 4 Departure: Aug 11 Lecture: yes Title: Orders of indescribable sets Section: Set theory email: hellsten@cc.helsinki.fi --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Alex Hellsten Invited: no Confirmation to: hellsten@cc.helsinki.fi Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Vojkan Vuksanovic Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 150 ------------------------- Name: Alex Hellsten Affiliation:University of Helsinki Arrival: Aug 4 Departure: Aug 11 Lecture: yes Title: Orders of indescribable sets Section: Set theory email: hellsten@cc.helsinki.fi --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: John Earman Invited: yes Confirmation to: jearman@pitt.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 26 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Aubert DAIGNEAULT Affiliation:Université de Montréal Arrival: August 2 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Irving Segal’s axiomatization of space-time Section: SpaceTime email: aubert.daigneault@umontreal.ca --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Aubert DAIGNEAULT Invited: yes Confirmation to: aubert.daigneault@umontreal.ca Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 106 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 2 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Evangelist Prince John Osadjere Affiliation:Good Life Club, The Gambia Arrival: 3/08/05 Departure: 12/08/05 Lecture: yes Title: God's will in man's life Section: other email: gckcmpartners2003@yahoo.co.uk --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Evangelist Prince John Osadjere Invited: yes Confirmation to: gckcmpartners2003@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: TIJANI SHARAFA KEJI Invited: no Confirmation to: boraskillz@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 160 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 150 ------------------------- Name: OYESETAN PRINCE WAHEED Affiliation:INTERNATIONAL MODEL QURANIC & COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL Arrival: August 2 Departure: August 15 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: gibsbatts200@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: TIJANI YUSUF ADEYINKA Affiliation:INTERNATIONAL MODEL QURANIC & COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL Arrival: August 2 Departure: August 15 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: gibsbatts200@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: OLAWALE LUKE Affiliation:INTERNATIONAL MODEL QURANIC & COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL Arrival: August 2 Departure: August 15 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: gibsbatts200@yahoo.fr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: OYESETAN PRINCE WAHEED Invited: no Confirmation to: gibsbatts200@yahoo.fr Registering: 3 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 3 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 3 Total fee due: EUR 537 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) male Date: Aug 2 - Aug 14 Total booking: EUR 225 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Justin Moore Invited: yes Confirmation to: justin@math.boisestate.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 13 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: wlti Affiliation:douifq[3 Arrival: dkjlf[wqe Departure: ief;oq Lecture: no Title: iguw[ Section: Set theory email: sophoswu@yahoo,com ------------------------- Name: Norbert Sauer Affiliation:University of Calgary Arrival: 04-08-2005 Departure: 12-08-2005 Lecture: yes Title: Divisibility of Ultrahomogeneous structures Section: Set theory email: nsauer@math.ucalgary.ca ------------------------- Name: Jip Veldman Affiliation:University of Bonn Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Mutual Stationarity Section: Set theory email: veldman@math.uni-bonn.de --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Jip Veldman Invited: no Confirmation to: veldman@math.uni-bonn.de Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: Dr.RAKESH DUBE Affiliation:IMS Engineering College, UP Technical University, India Arrival: August,3 Departure: August ,14 Lecture: yes Title: A NOTE ON THE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS OF A VISCOUS INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID IN A CHANNEL BOUNDED BY TWO PARALLEL FLAT PLATES AND A CIRCULAR PIPE UNDER CONSTANT RATE OF HEAT ADDITION. Section: other email: duberakesh@gmail.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Dr. RAKESH DUBE Invited: yes Confirmation to: duberakesh@gmail.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 26 Room request: shared Shared width: (female) Any one Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: IHEANACHO GEORGE CHIDIEBERE Invited: yes Confirmation to: researchnetwork@africamail.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) male Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: IHEANACHO NICHOLAS OKECHUKWU Invited: yes Confirmation to: nicobyz@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) male Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Aleksander Iwanow Affiliation:University of Wroclaw Arrival: 04.08.2005 Departure: 11.08.2005 Lecture: yes Title: Group actions on trees and definability Section: SpaceTime email: ivanov@math.uni.wroc.pl ------------------------- Name: Barbara Majcher-Iwanow Affiliation:University of Wroclaw Arrival: 04.08.2005 Departure: 11.08.2005 Lecture: yes Title: $G_\delta$-pieces of canonical partitions of G-spaces Section: Set theory email: ivanov@math.uni.wroc.pl --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: John Krueger Invited: no Confirmation to: jkrueger@logic.univie.ac.at Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 6 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 209 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 250 ------------------------- Name: Liesbeth De Mol Affiliation:Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Ghent, Belgium. Arrival: august 4 Departure: august 12 Lecture: yes Title: Closing the Circle: Emil Post's approach to undecidability Section: Algebraic Logic email: elizabeth.demol@ugent.be ------------------------- Name: Gordon Ondiek Nyabade Affiliation:Activist on education in Kenya Arrival: August,4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: gonyabade@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Bertalan P\'ecsi Affiliation:ELTE, PhD Arrival: 5 may Departure: 11 may Lecture: no Title: Situation Logic and Bridges Section: Algebraic Logic email: aladar@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Gergely Szekely Affiliation:ELTE University Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: Twin Paradox from first order logic point of view Section: SpaceTime email: turms@renyi.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Gergely Szekely Invited: no Confirmation to: turms@renyi.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Gergely Szekely Invited: no Confirmation to: turms@renyi.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Gergely Szekely Invited: no Confirmation to: turms@renyi.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: john bamidele felix Invited: yes Confirmation to: johnbamidele1@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: john bamidele felix Affiliation:mr Arrival: 2 Departure: 11 Lecture: yes Title: almighty fomular /statistics Section: Algebraic Logic email: johnbamidele1@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Aleksander Iwanow Invited: no Confirmation to: ivanov@math.uni.wroc.pl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 173 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 330 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Aleksander Iwanow Invited: no Confirmation to: ivanov@math.uni.wroc.pl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 173 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 300 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Barbara Majcher-Iwanow Invited: no Confirmation to: ivanov@math.uni.wroc.pl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 173 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Serdar Sozubek Affiliation:Bogazici University Arrival: 04.08 Departure: 11.08 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: sozubeks@boun.edu.tr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Serdar Sozubek Invited: no Confirmation to: sozubeks@boun.edu.tr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 150 ------------------------- Name: mustapha idowu stephen Affiliation:musido automobile engineering company. Arrival: 03/08/2005 Departure: 13/08/2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: idnoblesteve2002@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: mustapha idowu stephen Affiliation:musido automobile engineering company. Arrival: 03/08/2005 Departure: 13/08/2005 Lecture: no Title: 6/8,abuna street,orilowo ejigbo lagos state nigeria. Section: Set theory email: idnoblesteve2002@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Nwannabuogwu Anthony Affiliation:Delta state govt Arrival: june Departure: august Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: iwyz80@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: nwannabuogwu Anthony Invited: no Confirmation to: iwyz80@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Maria Gloria Schwarze Invited: yes Confirmation to: gschwarz@mat.puc.cl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 106 Room request: couple Shared width: (female) My accompanyng person Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Renato Lewin Invited: no Confirmation to: rlewin@mat.puc.cl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 250 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Maria Gloria Schwarze Invited: no Confirmation to: gschwarz@mat.puc.cl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 296 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 330 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Thierry Libert Invited: no Confirmation to: tlibert@ulb.ac.be Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 250 ------------------------- Name: Michael Makkai Affiliation:McGill University Arrival: Aug 1 Departure: Aug 13 Lecture: yes Title: Higher-dimensional categories Section: Algebraic Logic email: makkai@math.mcgill.ca --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: - Invited: no Confirmation to: kwame_ofei@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 5 Total fee due: EUR 305 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: kwame ofei anim Affiliation:Institute of Professional Studies Arrival: 03 Departure: 20 Lecture: no Title: ACCA Section: SpaceTime email: kwame_ofei@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: kwame ofei anim Invited: no Confirmation to: kwame_ofei@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 5 Total fee due: EUR 305 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Gordon O.Nyabade Invited: yes Confirmation to: gonyabade@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) no preferance Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: john bamidele Invited: no Confirmation to: johnbamidele1@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: shared Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: Forti Marco Affiliation:Universita` di Pisa Arrival: august 4 Departure: august 11 Lecture: yes Title: Measuring infinite collections by nonstandard integers Section: Set theory email: forti@dma.unipi.it --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Forti Marco Invited: no Confirmation to: forti@dma.unipi.it Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 236 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 330 ------------------------- Name: Peter Vojtas Affiliation:P. J. Safarik University Arrival: 5.8.2005 Departure: 10.8.2005 Lecture: yes Title: Fuzzy logic as an optimisation task Section: other email: vojtas@kosice.upjs.sk --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Peter Vojtas Invited: no Confirmation to: vojtas@kosice.upjs.sk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 10 Total booking: EUR 200 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: - Invited: yes Confirmation to: - Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 14 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Pambuccian Invited: yes Confirmation to: pamb@math.west.asu.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: matanmi babatunde Affiliation:akanni Arrival: 4 august 2005 Departure: 12 august 2005 Lecture: no Title: managing director Section: Set theory email: babatunde5002@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: matanmi babatunde Affiliation:akanni Arrival: 4 august 2005 Departure: 12 august 2005 Lecture: no Title: managing director Section: Set theory email: babatunde5002@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Natasha Dobrinen Affiliation:Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: $\kappa$-stationarity in $\mathscr{P}_{\kappa^+}(\lambda)$ Section: Set theory email: dobrinen@logic.univie.ac.at --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Natasha Dobrinen Invited: no Confirmation to: dobrinen@logic.univie.ac.at Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 2 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 185 Room request: single Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 275 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Pambuccian Invited: yes Confirmation to: pamb@math.west.asu.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: MR TEMITOPE OGUNSEBIKAN Affiliation:OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE IFE, OSUN STATE, NIGERIA Arrival: 4 AUGUST Departure: 12 AUG Lecture: yes Title: MATHMATICS THE BEDROCK OF TECHNOLOGY Section: Set theory email: topgunsngs@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Roberto Pinciroli Affiliation:Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Arrival: 4 Departure: 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: r.pinciroli@sns.it --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Roberto Pinciroli Invited: no Confirmation to: r.pinciroli@sns.it Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 7 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 215 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 275 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Sándor Vályi Invited: no Confirmation to: valyis@inf.unideb.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 7 - Aug 10 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: FRANCIS JOE ETSIAH Invited: no Confirmation to: francajoe69@hotmail.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 253 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) single Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: ALEXANDER NAVROSE MENSAH Invited: no Confirmation to: alexnavrose@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 253 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) single Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 165 ------------------------- Name: FRANCIS JOE ETSIAH Affiliation:GLORY BAPTIST SENIOR AND JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL Arrival: 3 08 Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ------------------------- Name: FRANCIS JOE ETSIAH Affiliation:GLORY BAPTIST SENIOR AND JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL Arrival: 3 08 05 Departure: 12 08 05 Lecture: no Title: NIL Section: Algebraic Logic email: francajoe69@hotmail.com ------------------------- Name: MENSAH NAVROSE ALEXANDER Affiliation:NUSRAT HIGH SCHOOL Arrival: 3 08 05 Departure: 12 08 05 Lecture: no Title: NIL Section: Algebraic Logic email: alexnavrose@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: MENSAH NAVROSE ALEXANDER Affiliation:NUSRAT HIGH SCHOOL Arrival: 3 08 05 Departure: 12 08 05 Lecture: no Title: NIL Section: Algebraic Logic email: alexnavrose@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: CHARLES KWESI AGGREY Affiliation:A STUDENT, DEPT OF PHILOSOPHY, UNI Arrival: 3rd August, 2005 Departure: 15th August, 2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: chaaggrey@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Allen Mann Affiliation:University of Colorado at Boulder Arrival: August 3 Departure: August 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: Allen.Mann@Colorado.EDU --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Allen Mann Invited: no Confirmation to: Allen.Mann@Colorado.EDU Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 120 ------------------------- Name: Stevo Todorcevic Affiliation:CNRS, Paris and University of Toronto Arrival: August 4, 2005 Departure: August 12, 2005 Lecture: yes Title: TBA Section: Set theory email: stevo@math.jussieu.fr, stevo@math.toronto.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Stevo Todorcevic Invited: yes Confirmation to: - Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) I don't want to share my room Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Teruyuki Yorioka Invited: no Confirmation to: yorioka@kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 150 ------------------------- Name: Etesi Gabor Affiliation:Dept. of Geometry, Budapest University of Technology and Econmics, Budapest, Hungary Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: An algorithmical charachterization of space-times Section: SpaceTime email: etesi@math.bme.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Liesbeth De Mol Invited: no Confirmation to: elizabeth.demol@ugent.be Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 175 ------------------------- Name: Ian Hodkinson Affiliation:Imperial College London Arrival: 7 Aug Departure: 11 Aug Lecture: yes Title: to be confirmed soon Section: Algebraic Logic email: imh@doc.ic.ac.uk --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Ian Hodkinson Invited: yes Confirmation to: imh@doc.ic.ac.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 3 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 7 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Lajos Soukup Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: yes Title: TBA Section: Set theory email: soukup@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Janos Gerlits Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: gerlits@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Zoltan Szentmiklossy Affiliation:Eotvos University Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: zoli@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Zsigmond Nagy Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: zsiga@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: MArton Elekes Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: emarci@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Istvan Juhasz Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: juhasz@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Andras Hajnal Affiliation:Renyi Institute Arrival: aug 5 Departure: aug 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: ahajnal@renyi.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Teruyuki Yorioka Invited: no Confirmation to: yorioka@kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 175 ------------------------- Name: Csaba Henk Affiliation:PhD student Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: A complexity class between NP union coNP and PSpace Section: Algebraic Logic email: ekho@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: kris momoh osareme rock Affiliation:none Arrival: august 3rd Departure: august 15th Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: krisrockone@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Masahiro Shioya Affiliation:University of Tsukuba Arrival: Aug. 4 Departure: Aug.12 Lecture: yes Title: Stationary reflection in $P_\kappa\lambda$ revisited Section: Set theory email: shioya@math.tsukuba.ac.jp --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Masahiro Shioya Invited: no Confirmation to: shioya@math.tsukuba.ac.jp Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 160 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: Assaf Rinot Affiliation:Tel-Aviv Universty Arrival: 04 August Departure: 12 August Lecture: yes Title: On the consistency strength of the Milner/Sauer cojnecture Section: Set theory email: rinot@post.tau.ac.il ------------------------- Name: Gyorgy Sereny Affiliation:Budapest University of Technology and Economics Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: sereny@math.bme.hu ------------------------- Name: Teruyuki Yorioka Affiliation:Kobe University Arrival: Aug. 4 Departure: Aug. 11 Lecture: yes Title: Products of forcing notions related to gaps Section: Set theory email: yorioka@kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Serdar Sozubek Invited: no Confirmation to: sozubeks@boun.edu.tr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 105 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Assaf Rinot Invited: no Confirmation to: rinot@post.tau.ac.il Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 266 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Assaf Rinot Invited: no Confirmation to: rinot@post.tau.ac.il Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 266 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Horvath Ramon Affiliation:ELTE TTK Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: An Alexandrov-Zeeman type theorem Section: SpaceTime email: ramon@kfhik.hu ------------------------- Name: Miklos Ferenczi Affiliation:BMGE Dep. of Algebra Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: ferenczi@math.bme.hu ------------------------- Name: Yo Matsubara Affiliation:Nagoya University Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: yom@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp.jp --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Yo Matsubara Invited: no Confirmation to: yom@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 150 ------------------------- Name: Ken Shiotani Affiliation:None (independent) Arrival: 4, August Departure: 12,August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: saltcat@bc4.so-net.ne.jp --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Ken Ahiotani Invited: no Confirmation to: saltcat@bc4.so-net.ne.jp Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 203 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: Mildenberger, Heike Affiliation:University of Vienna, Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: heike@logic.univie.ac.at --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Heike Mildenberger Invited: no Confirmation to: heike@logic.univie.ac.at Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 160 Room request: single Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 150 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Tocco Elisabetta Invited: no Confirmation to: tocco@dm.unito.it Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: shared Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 105 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Roberto Pinciroli Invited: no Confirmation to: r.pinciroli@sns.it Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 7 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 215 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 105 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Boban Velickovic Invited: yes Confirmation to: boban@logique.jussieu.fr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Thomas Vetterlein Affiliation:Department of Computer Sciences 1, University of Dortmund, 44221 Dortmund Arrival: 5.8.2005 Departure: 11.8.2005 Lecture: yes Title: A semantics for propositional fuzzy logics Section: Algebraic Logic email: Thomas.Vetterlein@uni-dortmund.de --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Thomas Vetterlein Invited: no Confirmation to: Thomas.Vetterlein@uni-dortmund.de Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 105 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Sheila Miller Invited: no Confirmation to: sheila.miller@colorado.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 2 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 185 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: Sheila Miller Affiliation:University of Colorado, Boulder Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: sheila.miller@colorado.edu ------------------------- Name: Judit Madarász Affiliation: Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: olalekan,olubunmi Akande Invited: yes Confirmation to: fedcolag@yahoo.com Registering: 2 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 20 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 326 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) my accompany person Date: Aug 2 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Assaf Rinot Invited: no Confirmation to: rinot@post.tau.ac.il Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 266 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 175 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: olalekan,olubunmi Akande Invited: yes Confirmation to: fedcolag@yahoo.com Registering: 2 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 266 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) my accompany peson Date: Aug 2 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Teodor J. Stepien Affiliation:Pedagogical University, ul. Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Krakow, Poland Arrival: 7 August 2005 Departure: 10 August 2005 Lecture: yes Title: PROOF OF WEAK CONSISTENCY OF PEANO'S ARITHMETIC SYSTEM Section: other email: tstepien@ap.krakow.pl --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Teodor J. Stepien Invited: no Confirmation to: tstepien@ap.krakow.pl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 190 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 7 - Aug 10 Total booking: EUR 45 ------------------------- Name: Antoine van de Ven Affiliation:Dept. of History and Foundations of Science, Utrecht University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Deriving relativity without using the principle of relativity Section: SpaceTime email: vandeven@educa.com ------------------------- Name: James Hirschorn Affiliation:Kobe University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Splitting families of Baire functions Section: Set theory email: James.Hirschorn@kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: James Hirschorn Invited: no Confirmation to: James.Hirschorn@kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 6 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 262 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 9 Total booking: EUR 100 ------------------------- Name: Jean A. Larson Affiliation:University of Florida Arrival: August 4, 2005 Departure: August 11, 2005 Lecture: yes Title: A Partition theorem for a large Rado graph Section: Set theory email: jal@math.ufl.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: moti gitik Invited: yes Confirmation to: - Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 10 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Marek Suchenek Affiliation:California State University Dominguez Hills Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Complete Nonmonotonic Autoepistemic Logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: Suchenek@csudh.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Marek Suchenek Invited: no Confirmation to: Suchenek@csudh.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Judit Madarász Affiliation:Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Arrival: Departure: Lecture: yes Title: The effects of gravitation on clocks, proved in axiomatic relativity Section: SpaceTime email: madarasz@renyi.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Judit Madarász Invited: yes Confirmation to: madarasz@renyi.hu Registering: 0 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Ken Shiotani Affiliation:None (independent) Arrival: 4, August Departure: 12,August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: saltcat@bc4.so-net.ne.jp ------------------------- Name: Andréka, Hajnal Affiliation:Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary Arrival: 4 August Departure: 12 August Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: andreka@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Németi, István Affiliation:Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary Arrival: 4 August Departure: 12 August Lecture: no Title: Section: SpaceTime email: nemeti@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: MAC HENRY AKEH Affiliation:MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: livinusfusi@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: FUSI VIOF GABRIEL Affiliation:MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: livinusfusi@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: YAKAM LEUKEU ROMEO THIERRY Affiliation:MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: livinusfusi@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: NDONG JAMES Affiliation:MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: livinusfusi@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: NGOMPA LILA ANATOLLE Affiliation:MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Arrival: AUGUST 4 Departure: AUGUST 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: livinusfusi@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: Ildiko Sain Affiliation:senior research fellow Arrival: Departure: Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: sain@renyi.hu ------------------------- Name: Aldo Ursini Affiliation:University of Siena, Italy Arrival: August , 4 Departure: August,, 11 Lecture: yes Title: Logic, Algebra , Interaction Section: other email: ursini@unisi.it ------------------------- Name: ERIC BATE NWAFOR Affiliation:DR Arrival: 4 AUGUST 2005 Departure: 12 AUGUST 2005 Lecture: yes Title: ALGEBRAIC APPRECIATION WITH VARIANT METHOD Section: Algebraic Logic email: takem_tk2002@yahoo.co.uk ------------------------- Name: Johan van Benthem Affiliation:University of Amsterdam & Stanford University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 8 Lecture: yes Title: Logic, Processes, and Algebra Section: Algebraic Logic email: johan@science.uva.nl --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Robin Hirsch Invited: yes Confirmation to: r.hirsch@cs.ucl.ac.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 13 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 7 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: RENATA TORDAI Affiliation:ELTE TTK, student Arrival: aug 5. Departure: aug 11. Lecture: yes Title: to be announced later Section: SpaceTime email: renatatordai@mail.eol.hu ------------------------- Name: Victor Harnik Affiliation:University of Haifa, Israel Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: semantics of Multitopic Sets Section: Algebraic Logic email: harnik@math.haifa.ac.il ------------------------- Name: ADENIJI ADEYINKA ALLEX Affiliation:INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Arrival: AUGUST 4TH,2005 Departure: AUGUST 12TH Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: INSTITUTECH@YAHOO.COM ------------------------- Name: IGBINOMWAHIA PHILIPS Affiliation:INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Arrival: AUGUST 4TH,2005 Departure: AUGUST 12TH Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: INSTITUTECH@YAHOO.COM ------------------------- Name: OMOWUWE HARRY Affiliation:INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Arrival: AUGUST 4TH,2005 Departure: AUGUST 12TH Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: INSTITUTECH@YAHOO.COM ------------------------- Name: Dávid, Gyula Affiliation:Eotvos University, Dept. Atomic Physics Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: New trends in cosmology Section: SpaceTime email: dgy@elte.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Dávid, Gyula Invited: yes Confirmation to: dgy@elte.hu Registering: 0 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Dávid, Gyula Invited: yes Confirmation to: dgy@elte.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Sándor Vályi Affiliation:Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Hungary Arrival: August 5 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: Axiomatizability questions of predicate spatio-temporal theories Section: SpaceTime email: valyis@inf.unideb.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Sándor Vályi Invited: no Confirmation to: valyis@inf.unideb.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 90 ------------------------- Name: ALFRED KWABENA GYIMAH Affiliation:CHURCH OF PENTECOST Arrival: 04/08/05 Departure: 12/08/05 Lecture: no Title: RE Section: other email: agyima2@yahoo.co.uk ------------------------- Name: Kenneth Hochberg Affiliation:Bar-Ilan University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: hochberg@macs.biu.ac.il --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: TOGUNDE ADEMOLA SAMSON Invited: no Confirmation to: obaolusola@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: TOGUNDE ADEMOLA SAMSON Affiliation:OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY ILE IFE OSUN STATE NIGERIA. Arrival: 3 Departure: 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: obaolusola@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: LEOPOLDO ROMAN Invited: no Confirmation to: leopoldo@math.unam.mx Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 8 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 261 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 225 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Ebrima Bah Invited: no Confirmation to: okorocharleschima@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 1 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 219 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) male co-meeting attendant Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 120 ------------------------- Name: bishnu prasad pandey Affiliation:managing director Arrival: 2005 Departure: 2005 Lecture: no Title: aandhikhola cable t.v. network pvt.ltd. Section: other email: aandhikholacable_info@hotmail.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Marek Zawadowski Invited: no Confirmation to: zawado@mimuw.edu.pl Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: JOSEPH OLUWASEGUN OGUN Affiliation: Arrival: 04/08/2005 Departure: 12/08/2005 Lecture: no Title: PRO Section: Set theory email: jooetec@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: GODWIN NYONG Affiliation:GSA LIMITED Arrival: 4 AUGUST Departure: 12 AUGUST Lecture: no Title: Section: Algebraic Logic email: GSACONSULT@HOTMAIL.COM --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Thomas Müller Invited: no Confirmation to: Thomas.Mueller@uni-bonn.de Registering: 0 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 0 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 75 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: WASIU AWEDA Invited: no Confirmation to: unimaid_nig@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 1 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 219 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) GODWIN NNAM Date: Aug 3 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 135 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: GODWIN NNAM Invited: no Confirmation to: unimaid_nig@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 1 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 219 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: SUNDAY OLUWATOYIN AKOLADE Invited: no Confirmation to: unimaid_nig@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 1 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 219 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 225 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Seth Akuamoah Boateng Invited: no Confirmation to: sethakuamoah91@yahoo.ca Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 4 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 5 Total fee due: EUR 495 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 13 Total booking: EUR 150 ------------------------- Name: Seth AKUAMOAH BOATENG Affiliation:Ghana Ministry of Education &Sports Arrival: 3rd Aug Departure: 14 th Aug Lecture: no Title: Mr Section: other email: sethakuamoah91@yahoo.ca ------------------------- Name: Nicholas Kwasi Effum Affiliation:International Informatization Academy Arrival: 5/08 Departure: 15/08 Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: interinfoaca@yahoo.co.uk --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: nicholas Kwasi Effum Invited: no Confirmation to: interinfoaca@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 14 Total booking: EUR 275 ------------------------- Name: JAMES M. TSEYAH Affiliation:CENTRE FOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE Arrival: AUGUST 03/ 2005 Departure: AUGUST 12/ 2005 Lecture: no Title: MR. Section: SpaceTime email: jamestseyah2000@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: JAMES M. TSEYAH Invited: no Confirmation to: jamestseyah2000@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: ibironke michael sesan Affiliation:mr Arrival: 5/08/2005 Departure: 12/08/2005 Lecture: yes Title: logical theorem Section: SpaceTime email: universityofadoekiti_nigeria@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: ibironke michael sesan Invited: no Confirmation to: universityofadoekiti_nigeria@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Mr. Yam Bahadur Nepali Affiliation:Nepal Environment and Development Organization Arrival: Aug. 4, 2005 Departure: Aug. 12, 2005 Lecture: yes Title: n/a Section: SpaceTime email: e-mail --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Mr. Yam Bahadur Nepali Invited: yes Confirmation to: - Registering: 3 persons Accompanying: 2 persons Lunch tickets: 3 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 3 Total fee due: EUR 539 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Mr. Purna Kumar Shrestha Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Mr. Giri Raj Basnet Invited: yes Confirmation to: - Registering: 3 persons Accompanying: 2 persons Lunch tickets: 3 days Diet request: kosher BKV tickets: 3 Total fee due: EUR 539 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Mr. Purna Kumar Shrestha Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Luis Pereira Affiliation:Paris VII Arrival: 4 Departure: 12 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: pereira@logique.jussieu.fr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Luis Pereira Invited: no Confirmation to: pereira@logique.jussieu.fr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) none Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 120 ------------------------- Name: NELSON M E NGALE Affiliation:STUDENT Arrival: 10/08/2005 Departure: 15/08/2005 Lecture: no Title: MR Section: other email: ngaleplus@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: NELSON M E NGALE Invited: no Confirmation to: ngaleplus@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 2 persons Lunch tickets: 3 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 318 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 1 - Aug 14 Total booking: EUR 390 ------------------------- Name: NELSON M E NGALE Affiliation:STUDENT Arrival: 1/8/2005 Departure: 14/8/2005 Lecture: no Title: MR Section: other email: ngaleplus@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Pierre Matet Affiliation:University of CAEN (France) Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 11 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: matet@math.unicaen.fr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Pierre Matet Invited: no Confirmation to: matet@math.unicaen.fr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 175 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Jean Larson Invited: no Confirmation to: jal@math.ufl.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: single Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: akinola femi Affiliation:explicit communications limited Arrival: 05/07/2005 Departure: 11/07/2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: explicitcommunications@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: alakuro seyi Affiliation:explicit communications limited Arrival: 05/07/2005 Departure: 11/07/2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: explicitcommunications@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Nguyen Van The Affiliation:Equipe de Logique Mathématique, Université Paris 7 Arrival: August 2nd Departure: August 11th Lecture: yes Title: Big Ramsey degrees and divisibility in classes of ultrametric spaces Section: Set theory email: nguyenl@logique.jussieu.fr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: austine reginald Invited: no Confirmation to: simplyaustine@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 5 Total fee due: EUR 295 Room request: single Shared width: (male) nil Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 200 ------------------------- Name: BODJOLE MABIDJA Affiliation:GENERAL MANAGER Arrival: 2 AUGUST 2005 Departure: 13 AUGUST 2005 Lecture: no Title: MR. Section: Set theory email: bodjole2000international@yahoo.fr --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: BODJOLE MABIDJA Invited: no Confirmation to: bodjole2000international@yahoo.fr Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 1 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 206 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 1 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: BODJOLE MABIDJA Affiliation:GENERAL MANAGER Arrival: 2 AUGUST 2005 Departure: 13 AUGUST 2005 Lecture: no Title: MR. Section: Set theory email: bodjole2000international@yahoo.fr ------------------------- Name: MD.SIRAJUL ISLAM Affiliation:Lions Club of Dhaka Sonali Arrival: 5 August Departure: 7 August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: sisbsn@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Abul Kalam Khan Affiliation:Lions Club of Dhaka Sonali Arrival: 5 August Departure: 7 August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: sisbsn@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Abul Kalam Khan Invited: no Confirmation to: sisbsn@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) Md. Sirajul Islam Date: Aug 5 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 60 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Abul Kalam Khan Invited: no Confirmation to: sisbsn@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) Md. Sirajul Islam Date: Aug 5 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 60 ------------------------- Name: MD. SIRAJUL ISLAM Affiliation:Lions Club of Dhaka Sonali Arrival: 5 August Departure: 7 August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: sisbsn@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: MD. SIRAJUL ISLAM Invited: no Confirmation to: sisbsn@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) Abul Kalam Khan Date: Aug 5 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 60 ------------------------- Name: Rod Freed Affiliation:California State University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Reconciling sets with random and nonrandom boundaries Section: Set theory email: raf12@cox.net --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: okoro Chukwugindu Invited: no Confirmation to: nat_issues@emai2me.net Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Emmanuel Uzoma Invited: no Confirmation to: nat_issues@emai2me.net Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 230 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Khadija Begum Affiliation:Lions Club of Dhaka Sonali Arrival: 05 August Departure: 07 August Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: sisbsn@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Khadija Begum Invited: no Confirmation to: sisbsn@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 6 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 249 Room request: no Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Khadija Begum Invited: no Confirmation to: sisbsn@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 6 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 249 Room request: no Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Khadija Begum Invited: no Confirmation to: sisbsn@yahoo.com Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 6 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 249 Room request: single Shared width: (female) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 7 Total booking: EUR 50 ------------------------- Name: yair cicling Affiliation:technion , israel , haifa Arrival: 01/08 Departure: 12/08 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: yyc@012.net.il ------------------------- Name: yair cicling Affiliation:technion , israel , haifa Arrival: 01/08 Departure: 12/08 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: yyc@012.net.il ------------------------- Name: Jesse Alama Affiliation:Stanford University Arrival: August 4 Departure: August 12 Lecture: yes Title: Kuhn's challenge to the idea that Newtonian mechanics is a special case of relativity theory Section: SpaceTime email: alama@stanford.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Jesse Alama Invited: no Confirmation to: alama@stanford.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 4 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 120 ------------------------- Name: Marcus Kracht Affiliation:Department of Linguistics, UCLA Arrival: 08.07 Departure: 08.16 Lecture: yes Title: The Logics of Syntactic Structures Section: other email: kracht@humnet.ucla.edu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: DR ISSA BANGURA Invited: no Confirmation to: banguraissa@yahoo.co.uk Registering: 2 persons Accompanying: 2 persons Lunch tickets: 4 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 4 Total fee due: EUR 576 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) Male or Female Date: Aug 3 - Aug 12 Total booking: EUR 135 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Victor Pambuccian Invited: yes Confirmation to: pamb@math.west.asu.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: vegetarian BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 0 Room request: single Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 5 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: billy hudson Invited: no Confirmation to: billyhudson@mail.boisestate.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 1 persons Lunch tickets: 10 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 2 Total fee due: EUR 336 Room request: couple Shared width: (male) My accompanying wife, Kristina. Date: Aug 4 - Aug 13 Total booking: EUR 270 ------------------------- Name: Gian Arturo Marco Affiliation:Excel School Research Center Arrival: 4 / 08 / 05 Departure: 12 / 08 /05 Lecture: yes Title: Definability problems in model descriptive set theory Section: Set theory email: info@excelschool.it ------------------------- Name: Gyorgy Turan Affiliation:Univ. Illinois at Chicago, Univ. Szeged Arrival: Aug. 8 Departure: Aug. 11 Lecture: yes Title: Efficient theory revision Section: Algebraic Logic email: gyt@uic.edu ------------------------- Name: Seun Samuel Affiliation:WATS Arrival: August,4,2005 Departure: August ,12,2005 Lecture: no Title: Section: Set theory email: sear87@yahoo.com ------------------------- Name: Tarek Sayed Ahmed Affiliation:Department of Mathematics, Cairo University Arrival: 3 August Departure: 14 August Lecture: yes Title: Tarskian Algebraic Logic Section: Algebraic Logic email: rutahmed@rusys.eg.net ------------------------- Name: Alli AbdulKareem Oyetunde Affiliation:Camara Enterprises Arrival: 4 August Departure: 12 august Lecture: no Title: Section: other email: oyetundealli@yahoo.com --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Balazs Szorenyi Invited: no Confirmation to: szorenyi@inf.u-szeged.hu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 1 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 0 Total fee due: EUR 206 Room request: no Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 8 - Aug 11 Total booking: EUR 0 ------------------------- Name: Balazs Szorenyi Affiliation:research assistant Arrival: Aug. 8 Departure: Aug. 11 Lecture: no Title: Efficient theory revision Section: Algebraic Logic email: szorenyi@inf.u-szeged.hu ------------------------- Name: Matolcsi Tamás Affiliation: Arrival: August 6 Departure: August 11 Lecture: yes Title: The role of synchronization in spacetime theories Section: SpaceTime email: matolcsi@ludens.elte.hu --------- Fee/Booking ------ Name: Peter Glenn Invited: no Confirmation to: pglenn@andrew.cmu.edu Registering: 1 persons Accompanying: 0 persons Lunch tickets: 5 days Diet request: - BKV tickets: 1 Total fee due: EUR 243 Room request: shared Shared width: (male) - Date: Aug 3 - Aug 14 Total booking: EUR 165