Laszlo Kalmar

Logic in Hungary, 2005

Budapest, August 5 - August 11, 2005

Conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of
László Kalmár and Rózsa Péter

Rozsa Peter

Invited Speakers


Organizing Committee
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F I R S T      A N N O U N C E M E N T

Logic in Hungary, 2005
Budapest, August 5 - 11, 2005

We take great pleasure in announcing that the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society is going to organize a conference on mathematical logic in Budapest, Hungary, during the period August 5 - 11, 2005. With this conference we would like to celebrate the unique event that two great Hungarian logicians, L. Kalmar and R. Peter, both have their centenary of birth in 2005.

The date of our conference was also chosen so as to immediately follow the 2005 European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic in Athens, Greece.

The main topics covered by the conference will be:
  1. Set Theory,
  2. Foundations of Space-Time,
  3. Algebraic Logic,
but contributions from all other branches of symbolic logic are welcome.

The following invited speakers have already indicated their intention to participate in our conference (we list them by subjects but there is a considerable overlap in the three subjects -- several invited speakers come to stress the unity of these subjects):

  1. Set Theory:
    • Sy Friedman, Institute for Logic, University of Vienna,
    • M. Foreman, University of California, Irvine,
    • M. Gitik, Tel Aviv University,
    • T. Jech, Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
    • P. Koepke, Reinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitaat, Bonn
    • K. Kunen, University of Wisconsin (tentative)
    • N. Sauer, University of Calgary
    • S. Todorcevic, CNRS, Paris and University of Toronto,
    • B. Velickovic, University of Paris 7,

  2. Foundations of Space-Time:
    • N. Belnap, University of Pittsburgh,
    • J. Earman, University of Pittsburgh,
    • H. Friedman, Ohio State University,
    • M. Hogarth, Cambridge University, UK,
    • V. Pambuccian, Arizona State University West,
    • P. Suppes, Stanford University,
    • C. Wüthrich, University of Pittsburgh.
  3. (We hope that John Baez, Julian Barbour, Dennis Dieks, Michael Friedman, J. Richard Gott, Sir Roger Penrose, George Szekeres will also come.)

  4. Algebraic Logic:
    • J. van Benthem, University of Amsterdam, (tentative)
    • J. Hintikka, Boston University, (tentative)
    • R. Hirsch University College, London, (tentative)
    • I. Hodkinson, Imperial College, London,
    • M. Makkai, McGill university, Montreal,
    • D. Monk, University of Colorado, Boulder.

The organizing committee of the conference consists of the following people:
A. Hajnal and J. Suranyi (honorary chair),
H. Andreka, I. Juhasz, P. Komjath, I. Nemeti (co-chair),
G. Sagi (secretary),
L. Csirmaz, M. Ferenczi, M. Redei, I. Sain and L. Soukup (members)

Further information about the conference will be posted on our homepage:

The e-mail address of the conference is:

Please preregister using the above homepage if you wish to receive further announcements about the conference. We would be very thankful, if you could forward this e-mail to your colleagues and students.

We have applied for financial support for the conference from the International Mathematical Union and from the European Mathematical Society. We intend to provide financial support for graduate students and/or young researchers subject to budgetary approval.

Please accept our apologies if you received this e-mail more than once.

On behalf of the organizing committee,
3rd of September, 2004Gabor Sagi
secretary of the organizing committee

LASZLO KALMAR (1905-1976) was a scientist of enormous influence, a contemporary of Godel, who was among the very few present at the cradle of Mathematical Logic. He had an unparalleled knowledge of mathematics and he mentored many generations of Hungarian mathematicians, including Paul Erdos. He is considered the founding father of both Logic and Theoretical Computer Science in Hungary.

ROZSA PETER's (1905-1977) early work, presented in her book "Recursive Functions" made her one of the founders of Recursion Theory. Her other book "Playing with Infinity" written more than sixty years ago, still to be found on the shelves of some New York book stores, made her one of the most read authors of popular mathematics. Though she always considered herself a mere student of Kalmar she was a great scientist on her own right. She was the first woman mathematician to become a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. People who knew her cherish her as a brave crusader of all right causes.

this page has been maintained by László Csirmaz and Attila Lévai