Budapest, Hungary, June 14-16, 2001.

It is our pleasure to announce that the

5th Budapest--Chemnitz--Prague--Torun Algebra Symposium

will take place in Budapest from June 14 (Thursday) to June 16 (Saturday), 2001, with June 13 and June 17 as suggested arrival and departure days.

The lectures will be held in the main lecture hall of the Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The main topic of the conference will be representation theory of algebras with an outlook to related areas (group rings, Lie algebras, algebraic geometry, general ring theory etc.), however, any other algebraic topic is welcome for short talks.

We plan to have 9 invited lectures and the rest of the time should be devoted to contributed talks (20-25 minutes each). Here is the list of main speakers:

H. Andersen (Aarhus, Denmark)
V. Drensky (Sofia, Bulgaria)
D. Happel (Chemnitz, Germany)
S. König (Leicester, United Kingdom)
E. Lukács (Budapest, Hungary)
C.M. Ringel (Bielefeld, Germany)
D. Simson (Torun, Poland)
A. Smoktunowicz (Warsaw, Poland)
J. Trlifaj (Prague, Czech Republic)

To keep the costs at a minimum level, we shall make efforts to secure affordable accommodation for the participants and we also plan to have organized lunches. It is, however, almost certain that we will have no funds to contribute toward travel expenses so we encourage everyone to apply for external travel support.

A reply to this announcement to the address


from those interested will be appreciated. A more detailed announcement with a registration form, a list of possible accommodations etc. will be sent in February.

Budapest, November 3, 2000

István Ágoston
Mátyás Domokos
Erzsébet Lukács
László Márki
Pham Ngoc Ánh

Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1364 Budapest, Pf. 127
FAX: (36-1)-317-7166
E-mail: bcpt@renyi.hu
URL: http://www.renyi.hu/~bcpt

Second announcement:

Coming in a few days!