Budapest, Fö utca 68.,
phone: 201 - 7656
phone/fax: 201 - 6974
e-mail: comb96@math-inst.hu


A satellite conference of ECM2 ECM2

Balatonlelle, Hungary, July 15-19, 1996


The János Bolyai Mathematical Society is organizing a combinatorial meeting "International Colloquium on Combinatorics and Graph Theory" Balatonlelle, Hungary, on July 15-19, 1996 the week before ECM2.

Scientific program:

We are delighted to report that the following distinguished speakers have agreed to give principal lectures:

Also there will be invited talks on the following topics. The list of speakers is not yet complete but some of them are given:

Contributed lectures:

If you plan to give a contributed lecture, please prepare a one-page abstract and complete the registration form. The deadline for submission is May 15, 1996. Please send your abstract to the above address or by e-mail (preferably in TeX format) to comb96@math-inst.hu , also in the case of an e-mail submission, please send a hard copy to the above address, as well.

It is intended to publish a volume containing the conference lectures (mainly survey papers) in the Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies series.


Please complete the attached form and return it along with a check (but not a personal check), payable to "János Bolyai Mathematical Society". We regret that we can only accept fully convertible currencies. The preferred currency is US dollars.
Registration fee Late fee (after May15)
Regular: USD 90USD 120
Accompanying person: USD 20USD 25

The lower registration fee is only applicable to materials received no later than May 15. The registration fee includes a copy of the abstracts and a reception. The registration fee for accompanying persons includes a reception ticket.

Participants who also attend the 2nd European Congress of Mathematics, receive a USD 10 discount. (This does not apply to accompanying persons.)

Location and transportation:

The conference will be held in Balatonlelle, a resort area about 140 km (90 miles) from Budapest, begins at 10.00 a.m. on Monday, July 15.
There are frequent trains from Déli (or occasionally from Keleti) pályaudvar (railway station), the journey takes approximately 2 hours. More precise information about train schedules will be given in the Third announcement. A round trip train ticket from Budapest costs about USD 13. (1 USD=140 HUF)


We have reserved a certain number of rooms at Hotel Giuseppe, which has a private beach. The rates are the following (per person, per night):

The prices include breakfast. The number of appartments is limited and are therefore reserved for families.

There are several restaurants in the center of Balatonlelle. The typical prices of a three-course dinner range between USD 6 and USD 12.

Please complete the attached registration form and return it to the above address, also if you have any special request connected with your attendance please place it on this form.

Reservations received after all our rooms have been allocated or after the cutoff date of May 15, 1996 may be unsuccessful.

After acceptance of your registration, you will receive a third announcement in early June, 1996.

We look forward to seeing you in Balatonlelle,

The Organizing Committee