List of online available works of Gábor Tusnády
Closing date January 11, 2013.

[43] J.Komlós-G.Tusnády: On sequences of "pure heads", The Annals of Probability 3(1975) 608-617

[44] J.Komlós-P.Major-G.Tusnády: An approximation of partial sums of independent RV's, and the sample DF. I II, Zeitschrifts für Warscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete 32(1975) 111-131, 34(1976) 33-58

[53] G.Tusnády: On asymptotically optimal tests, The Annals of Statistics 5/2(1977) 385-393

[112] G.E.Tusnády-G.Tusnády-I.Simon: Independence divergence-generated binary trees of amino acids, Protein Engineering 8/5(1995) 417-423

[134] B.Bollobás-O.Riordan-J.Spencer-G.Tusnády: The degree sequence of a scale-free random graph process, Random Structures Algorithms 18(2001) 279-290

[139] O.Ésik-G.Tusnády-Z.Szentirmay-L.Trón-A.Boér-Z.Szentirmay- I.Szabolcs-K.Rácz-E.Lengyel-J.Székely-M.Kásler: Markov model-based estimation of individual survival probability for medullary thyroid cancer patients, Pathology and Oncology Research 8(2002) 93-104

[142] L.Gerencsér-G.Molnár-Sáska-Gy.Michaletzky-G.Tusnády: New methods for the statistical analysis of Hidden Markov Models, Decision and Control, 2002 Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on DC

[151] L.Rejtő-G.Tusnády: Clustering methods in microarrays, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 50(2005) 199-221

[161] V.Csiszár-L.Rejtő-G.Tusnády: Statistical inference on random structures, Horizons of Combinatorics, Balatonalmádi Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 17. Ed. E. Győri, G.O.H. Katona, L. Lovász, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2008, 37-66

[164] Tusnády G.-Gaudi I.-Rejtő L.-Kásler M.-Szentirmay Z.: A magyar daganatos betegek túlélési esélye a nemzeti rákregiszter adatai alapján, (Survival chances of Hungarian cancer patients calculated from the National Cancer Registry) Magyar Onkológia 52(2008) 339-349

[168] T.Nepusz-L.Négyessy-G.Tusnády-F.Bazsó: Reconstructing cortical networks: case of direct graphs with high level of reciprocity, Handbook of large-scale random networks (Eds B.Bollobás, R.Kozma and D.Miklós) Springer 2009, 325-368

[169] M.Ispány-Gy.Michaletzky-J.Reiczigel-G.Tusnády-P.Tusnády-K.Varga: Approximation of non-negative integer-valued matrices with application to Hungarian mortality data, Proc. of the 19-th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010) (eds: L. Gerencsér, Gy. Michaletzky and A. Edelmayer) Budapest, 5-9 July 2010, CD ROM ISBN 978-963-311-370-7, pp. 831-838

[172] V.Csiszár-P.Hussami-J.Komlós-T.F.Móri-L.Rejtő-G.Tusnády: When the degree sequence is a sufficient statistic, Acta Math. Hungar. 134/1-2(2011) 45-53

[173] J.Reiczigel-L.Rejtő-G.Tusnády: A sharpening of Tusnády's inequality, arXiv: 1110.3627v2[math.ST] 18 Oct 2011

[175] P.Harremoës-G.Tusnády: Information divergence is more χ²-distributed than the χ²-statistics, 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'2012) Cambridge, Massechusetts, USA, arXiv 1202.1125

[176] L.Györfi-P.Harremoës-G.Tusnády: Some refinements of large deviation tail probabilities, ITW 2012

[177] V.Csiszár-P.Hussami-J.Komlós-T.F.Móri-L.Rejtő-G.Tusnády: Testing goodness of fit of random graph models, Algorithms 5(2012) 629-635

[178] B.Gerencsér-B.Ráth-G.Tusnády: Multifactorial inheritence with selection, Acta Math. Hungar. 139(2013) 160-182