Curriculum Vitae
Gábor Tardos
Born: July 11, 1964, Budapest, Hungary.
Diploma in Mathematics, Eötvös University, 1987.
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Eötvös University, 1988.
Topic of thesis: universal algebra.
Advisors: L. Babai and P. P. Pálfy.
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2005.
Research Professor at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, since 1991.
Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Its Applications, Central European University, 2010–2020.
- Canada Research Chair of computational and discrete geometry.
School of
Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, 2005–2013.
Professor of the Computer Science Department of Eötvös University,
Budapest, 1992-2003.
Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, 1996--97.
Visiting Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University
of Toronto, 1995--96.
Visiting Professor at the Computer Science Department of the Rutgers University,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Fellowship at Eötvös University,
Budapest, 1987-90.
Visiting Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University
of Chicago, 1989.
Dickson Instructor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of
Chicago, 1988.
Honors and awards:
Recepient of the ERC Advenced Grant "ERMiD", 2022.
Albert O. Mendelson Test of Time Award (PODS 2021) with H. Johwari and M.
Sağlam, 2021.
Gödel Prize (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science and the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computational Theory), with R. Moser, 2020.
Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2019.
Invited speaker of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
Member of Academia Europaea, 2018.
Academy Prize (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2018.
Erdős Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1999.
Rényi Prize of the A. Rényi Institute of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences, 1999.
Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers, 1995.
Prize of the First European Congress of Mathematics, 1992.
G. Grünwald prize for young researchers in mathematics awarded by the J. Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1988.
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