General Announcement
Principal Lecturer János Pach
Subject Geometric Graph Theory
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May 28 - June 1, 2002 Gateway Center
University of North Texas, Denton
Geometric Graph Theory
The first genuine monograph on graph theory (König, 1936)
had the following subtitle: Combinatorial Topology of
Systems of Segments [K]. Although graph theory and topology
stem from the same root, the connection between them has
somewhat faded away in the past few decades. In the most
prolific new areas of graph theory including Ramsey theory, extremal
graph theory and random graphs, graphs are regarded as
abstract binary relations rather than systems of segments.
It is quite remarkable that traditional graph theory is
often incapable of providing satisfactory answers for the
most natural questions concerning the drawings of graphs.
Geometric Graph Theory is a relatively new discipline at the
borderline of discrete mathematics and computer science, which was
developed to deal with such questions. During the past 10 years
Geometric Graph Theory has played a significant role in settling
and solving several fundamental problems of combinatorial and
computational geometry. We believe that a better understanding
of this field will be crucial in answering many other important
questions in discrete mathematics and in the theory of computing.
A geometric graph
G = (V(G),E(G))
is a graph drawn in the plane by line segments, i.e.,
is a set of
points in the plane, no three of which are collinear, and
is a set of segments whose endpoints belong to
A topological graph is defined similarly,
except that its edges can be arbitrary Jordan curves
connecting two elements of
and not passing through a
third vertex. Two edges of a topological (or a geometric)
graph are said to cross if they have a point in
common, different from their endpoints.
The study of geometric graphs was initiated by Erdos
[AE], Avital and Hanani [AH], Perles [AP]
and Kupitz [Ku] more than 30 years ago.
In the early eighties, topological and geometric
graphs were intensively studied by the theoretical computer
science community, due to their applications in VLSI design.
In 1989, during the Special Year on Discrete
and Computational Geometry at DIMACS, Perles gave a
one-semester course on the subject. János Pach, at the
time a Visiting Professor at DIMACS, attended these lectures,
became interested in the topics and soon became one of the
leading experts in this area.
One of the main objectives in geometric graph theory is to
characterize all possible crossing patterns determined by
the edges of a given geometric graph [G1,T2] or, more
generally, by a collection of continuous arcs (``strings'')
in the plane. We are very far from having satisfactory
solutions to these problems, but the existing results are
truly fascinating! They are intimately related to
fundamental results in topology [HLS,RS], in linear
algebra, in the theory of block designs [BF],
and in extremal set theory [EH]. They have many applications
to problems in combinatorial and computational geometry,
including the
k-set problem [ELSS], proximity
problems [S], and the problem of bounding the number
of incidences between elementary geometric objects such as
points and lines, curves, surfaces [PSo,ST1,CEG].
There are two famous old unsolved problems dealing with
crossings: Turán's Brick-Factory Problem [T1] and
Conway's Thrackle Conjecture [W].
The Brick Factory problem (which came to Turán's mind
at a factory yard, where, as forced labour during World War
II, he moved wagons filled with bricks from kilns to
storage places) can be formulated as follows.
Given an abstract graph G,
find a drawing of
(i.e., a topological graph isomorphic to
for which the
number of crossings is minimum. This number is called the
crossing number of
and is denoted by
Specifically, Turán's (still unsolved) original problem was
to determine
for the complete bipartite graph
vertices in its classes, for every
n, m
According to an assertion of Zarankiewicz, which
was down-graded from a theorem to a conjecture [G], we have
This conjecture is still open. In fact, we do not know even
the limits
and for the complete graph
A thrackle is a topological graph so that any two
edges have exactly one point in common:
they either meet at a common endpoint or they cross.
Conway's conjecture states that the number of edges of a
thrackle cannot exceed the number of vertices. At first
glance this may appear to be just an innocent puzzle
from recreational mathematics. However, this is likely to
represent the tip of a huge iceberg, and a solution
to the problem will probably take us several steps closer
to understanding the structure of crossings,
which may be viewed as a planar analogue of Knot Theory.
Lovász, Pach, and Szegedy [LPS], who verified the conjecture up
to a multiplicative factor of 2, found that parity arguments
play an important role in this subject, just like in the
case of the Brick Factory Problem.
There is a remarkable theorem of Hanani
[H] and Tutte [T2] behind this phenomenon: if any
two edges of a topological graph, not incident to the same
vertex, cross an even number of times, then the
underlying ``abstract'' graph is planar, i.e., it can be
drawn with no crossings.
Crossing numbers have also been studied in theoretical
computer science due to their applications in VLSI design.
In the early eighties, Leighton [L,BL]
and others proved that the chip area required for the
realization of an electrical network is closely related to
the crossing number of the underlying graph.
This discovery gave an impetus to
research in the subject. It was soon realized that main
difficulty in this problem is that a graph has so many
essentially different drawings that the computation of
the crossing number, even for a graph of only 15 vertices,
appears to be a hopelessly difficult task. Garey and
Johnson proved that the determination of the crossing number
is NP-complete [GJ]. Therefore, approximating algorithms,
heuristic methods, and general estimates play important
roles in the subject.
One of the most applicable estimates for crossing numbers
is an inequality discovered by Ajtai, Chvátal,
Newborn, and Szemerédi [AC], and independently by
Leighton [L]: The crossing number of any graph with
vertices and
e > 4n
edges is at least a constant times
The best known value of the constant was found by Pach and
Tóth [PT]. A fundamental result of Pach, Spencer,
and Tóth [PST] settled an old conjecture of Erdos
and Guy [EG] by showing essentially
that there exists an ``asymptotically best constant'' for
which this inequality holds as
tends to infinity, no matter how fast
goes to infinity at the same time.
They also improved the inequality for special classes of
graphs having some monotone properties. Their estimates
are asymptotically tight and generalize to graphs drawn on
other surfaces.
It was a surprising discovery by Székely [S] that
this lower bound easily implies a number of famous theorems of
Beck, Chung, Szemerédi, Trotter and others
[Be1,C,ST1,ST2,CST,SST,CEG] concerning some hard
questions of Erdos in Combinatorial Geometry. In
particular, it yields that the number of unit distances
determined by
points in the plane is
Shortly after, Dey [D] proved that the same approach can be
used for establishing an
bound for the
number of different ways of splitting a set of
n points
in the plane into two equal parts by a line. This was a sensational
improvement of an old result of Lovász [Lo], with many
important applications in Computational Geometry.
We emphasize that this problem or, more generally, the
problem of bounding the number of
k-element subsets
("k-sets") of an
n-element point set in
which can be separated from the remaining points by a hyperplane,
arises in the analysis of virtually every geometric algorithm
dealing with arrangements of points and hyperplanes.
Another exciting recent development in this
field is that, using the same technique, Solymosi and
Tóth [SoT] have improved an important theorem of Chung,
Szemerédi and Trotter [CST], and Székely [S].
They showed that any set of
points in the plane determines
at least
distinct distances.
One may hope that this bound can be improved to about
using the current methods. However,
this would still be very far from the conjectured optimum,
which is about
There is another lower bound on the crossing number, derived by
Leighton, which follows from a weighted version of the
Lipton-Tarjan Separator Theorem [LT] for planar graphs.
The bisection width of an abstract graph
G, denoted by
is the minimum number of edges whose removal partitions
the vertex set into two parts such that there are no edges
running between them and the larger set has at most twice as
many vertices as the smaller. According to a more general form
of Leighton's inequality, proved by Pach, Shahrokhi and Szegedy
[PSS], the bisection width of any graph
vertices satisfies
. . .,
denote the degrees of the
vertices. This result has many applications in
computer graphics, computational geometry and graph drawing.
For illustration, we mention a few examples.
I. Souvaine and Wenger studied the following problem
arising in cartography [SW].
Given two disjoint rectangles
in the plane, containing the points
. . .,
. . .,
respectively, we would like to
construct a piecewise linear isomorphism from
which maps
for every
The objective is to minimize the complexity of such an
isomorphism, i.e., the number of linear pieces it consists
of. Souvaine and Wenger [SW] designed an algorithm for
constructing an isomorphism with complexity
Pach, Shahrokhi and Szegedy [PSS] applied
to show that this bound cannot be improved.
II. Pach and Wenger [PW] proved that every planar graph
vertices can be drawn in the plane so that the
positions of the vertices are arbitrarily prescribed, and
each edge is represented by a polygonal path consisting of at
segments. The inequality
can be used to
show that this result, too, is essentially tight.
III. Shahrokhi et al [SSS] applied
to analyze
an efficient algorithm for constructing a geometric graph
isomorphic to a given abstract graph
such that the
number of crossings is
and the coordinates
of all vertices are integers bounded by
Even et al [EGS] have recently improved this analysis.
In some sense, these results show that the simplest geometric
and topological graphs isomorphic to
cannot be drastically
IV. M. Watanabe posed the following problem.
Suppose we have a self-intersecting closed polygon
on the screen of our computer, whose vertices are
. . .,
in this order, and no three vertices are
collinear. We are allowed to modify
so that in each step
we can grab a vertex and move it to an arbitrary new position.
Is it true that every polygon
can be untangled,
i.e., turned into a noncrossing polygon, in at most
steps, for some absolute constant
< 1?
Pach and Tardos [PT]
proved that the answer is in the negative.
V. A set of pairwise crossing edges in a geometric or
topological graph is called a crossing set.
Pach, Shahrokhi, and Szegedy [PSS] used
to prove that if a geometric graph with
vertices has no crossing set of size
then its number of edges is
at most
3n(10 log n)2k - 2.
Valtr [V] improved this
result by reducing the exponent of the logarithmic factor to 1.
It is conjectured that for any
there exists a constant
such that any geometric graph with no crossing set of size
has at most
edges. For
k = 2
this follows from Euler's Polyhedral Formula, and for
k = 3
it has been verified
by Agarwal et al [AAP]. A closely related conjecture is that
any complete geometric graph with
vertices has a crossing set of size
Aronov et al [AEG]
proved the existence of a crossing set of size
One of the most prolific and most applicable areas of
(abstract) graph theory is Extremal Graph Theory [B],
which was started by Turán's theorem on the maximum
number of edges that a graph with
vertices can have without
containing a complete subgraph with
It is interesting to note that (V) suggests that by asking analogous
questions in a geometric setting, one may obtain exciting
difficult problems, whose solutions require new techniques.
Two edges of a geometric graph are said to be disjoint
if they do not share an endpoint or an interior point. A
collection of pairwise disjoint edges is called a disjoint set. This notion is dual to that of a crossing set.
In the spirit of Turán's theorem, we can ask what is
the maximum number of edges that a geometric graph with
vertices can have without containing a disjoint set of size
Hopf and Pannwitz [HP] proved that for
k = 2
the answer is
This implies that Conways's Thrackle
Conjecture (mentioned above) is true for straight-line
thrackles. It had been a longstanding open problem of Erdos
and Perles whether the answer is at most
for every
before Pach and Törocsik settled this
question in the affirmative. In their argument,
ckn = O(k4)
Tóth and Valtr [TV] and Tóth [T] improved this
bound to
ckn = O(k3)
ckn = O(k2),
respectively. It is possible that
is linear in
but this may be difficult to prove.
Results of this kind have interesting applications to the
Map Labelling Problems [AKS] arising in Geographic Information
Systems (GIS).
In a ground breaking series of papers, Pach and his co-authors
have started to develop the Ramsey Theory of Geometric and
Topological Graphs [KPT1,KPT2,KPT3,LMP,PSoT,PSo].
The prototype of the results in this area is that,
no matter how we color the edges of a
complete geometric graph with two colors, at least one of the
color classes will always contain a noncrossing spanning tree.
Results of this kind relate to deep problems for
partially ordered sets [Tr].
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, J. Pach, R. Pollack, M. Sharir:
Quasi planar graphs have linear number of edge,
Combinatorica 17 (1997), 1-9.
P.K. Agarwal, M. Kreveld and S. Suri:
Label placement by maximum independent sets in rectangles,
Comput. Geometry:Theory and Appl.
11 (1998), 209-218.
- AC
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and E. Szemerédi: Crossing-free subgraphs,
Annals of Discrete Mathematics 12
(1982), 9-12.
- AE
N. Alon and P. Erdos:
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- AP
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B. Aronov, P. Erdos, W. Goddard, D. J. Kleitman, D. J., M. Klugerman,
J. Pach and L. J. Schulman: Crossing families,
Combinatorica 14 (1994) 127-133.
- AH
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- BF
L. Babai and P. Frankl: Linear Algebra Methods in
Combinatorics, University of Chicago, 1988.
I. Bárány, Z. Füredi, and J. Pach:
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- Be1
J. Beck:
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- Be2
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- D
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- EG
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- EH
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in: Proc. 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of
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- GJ
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- Gr
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- G1
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- H
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- HP
H. Hopf and E. Pannwitz:
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- KPT1
G. Károlyi, J. Pach, and G. Tóth: Ramsey-type
results for geometric graphs. I, in: ACM Symposium on
Computational Geometry (Philadelphia, PA, 1996). Also in:
Discrete Comput. Geom. 18 (1997), 247-255.
- KPT2
G. Károlyi, J. Pach, G. Tóth, and P. Valtr:
Ramsey-type results for geometric graphs. II,
in: ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (Nice, 1997),
Discrete Comput. Geom. 20 (1998), 375-388.
- KPT3
G. Károlyi, J. Pach, G. Tardos, and G. Tóth:
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disjoint monochromatic edges in a complete 2-colored
geometric graph, in: Intuitive Geometry (I. Bárány, K.
Böröczky, eds.) Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies
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- K
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- KM
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- Ku
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- L
- T. Leighton:
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- LT
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- Lo
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- L. Lovász, J. Pach, and M. Szegedy:
On Conway's thrackle conjecture,
Discrete and Computational Geometry 18 (1997),
- P1
- J. Pach and P.K. Agarwal:
Combinatorial Geometry,
J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995.
- P2
- J. Pach: Geometric graph theory, in: Surveys in Combinatorics, 1999 (J. D. Lamb and D. A. Preece,
eds.), London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series
267, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999,
- P3
J. Pach: A problem of Ulam on planar graphs,
European J. Combin. 2 (1981), 357-361.
- PS
- J.Pach and M. Sharir: On the number of
incidences between points and curves,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 7
(1998), 121-127.
- J. Pach, F. Shahrokhi, and M. Szegedy:
Applications of the crossing number,
Algorithmica 16 (1996), 111-117.
- PSo
J. Pach, J. Solymosi: Halving lines and perfect
cross-matchings, in: Advances in Discrete and
Computational Geometry (B. Chazelle, J.E. Goodman and
R. Pollack, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 223
AMS, Providence, 1999, 245-249.
- PSoT
J. Pach, J. Solymosi, and G. Tóth:
Unavoidable configurations in complete topological graphs,
in: Graph Drawing 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, accepted. Also in: Discrete and Computational
Geometry, submitted.
J. Pach, J. Spencer, and G. Tóth:
New bounds for crossing numbers,
Discrete and Computational Geometry 24 (2000),
- PT
J. Pach and G. Tardos: Disentangling a polygon, in:
Abstracts of 963rd AMS Meeting, University of South
Carolina, Columbia, March 16-18, 2001, 17.
- PT0
J. Pach and J. Törocsik:
Some geometric applications of Dilworth's theorem,
Disc. Comput. Geometry 21 (1994), 1-7.
- PT1
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edge, Combinatorica 17 (1997), 427-439.
- PT2
- J. Pach and G. Tóth: Which crossing
number is it, anyway?, Proc. 39th Symp. on Foundation
of Computer Science, 1998, 617-626. Also in:
J. Combinat. Theory, Ser. B. 80 (2000), 225-246.
- PT3
- J. Pach and G. Tóth: String
representations of graphs, in:
Abstracts of 963rd AMS Meeting, University of South
Carolina, Columbia, March 16-18, 2001, 49.
- PW
- J. Pach and R. Wenger: Embedding planar
graphs at fixed vertex locations, in: Graph
Drawing (Montréal, QC, 1998),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1547, Springer,
Berlin, 1998, 263-274.
- RS
N. Robertson and P. Seymour:
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- RT
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Journal of Graph Theory 21 (1996), 413-424.
- SoT
J. Solymosi and Cs. Tóth:
Distinct distances in the plane,
Discrete Comput. Geom., to appear.
- SW
- D. Souvaine and R. Wenger: Constructing
piecewise linear homeomorphisms, Comput. Geometry:
Theory and Appl.
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- S
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- ST1
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Extremal problems in discrete geometry, Combinatorica
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- ST2
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European J. Combin. 4 (1983), 385-394.
- T
- G. Tóth:
Note on geometric graphs,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 89 (2000), 126-132,
- TV
G. Tóth and P. Valtr,
Geometric graphs with few disjoint edges,
in: 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational
Geometry (Minneapolis, MN, 1998). Also in:
Discrete Comput. Geom. 22 (1999), 633-642.
- Tr
- W. T. Trotter, Jr.
Ramsey theory and partially ordered sets, in:
Contemporary trends in discrete mathematics (Štirín Castle, 1997),DIMACS Ser. Discrete Math.
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 49, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,
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- T1
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Journal of Graph Theory 1 (1977), 7-9.
- T2
- W. T. Tutte:
Toward a theory of crossing numbers,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory 8 (1970),
- V
P. Valtr:
On geometric graphs with no
k pairwise parallel edges,
Disc. Comput. Geometry 19 (1998), 461-469.
- W
D. R. Woodall:
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Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications (Proc. Conf.,
Oxford, 1969), Academic Press, London, 1971, 335-347