is going to give a talk on(University of Chicago)LÁSZLÓ BABAI
Co-founder and Board member of BSM
The colloquium is onGroups, graphs, matrices, avalanches, and more:
The Abelian Sandpile Model
THURSDAY, March 10th, 16:15
in room 102 (look for the signs)
Abstract: Originating in statistical
physics and nearly simultaneously
and independently introduced in algebraic graph theory
in theoretical computer science in the 1990s, the Abelian
Sandpile Model associates a variety of structures with
a diffusion process on finite graphs. The model
gives rise
to a remarkably rich theory which connects the fields
of graph
theory, stochastic processes, commutative semigroups
groups, matrices and determinants, lattices in n-dimensional
space, algorithms, number theory, and more.