Introdcution to Analysis ANT
Instructor: Dr. Ágnes SZILÁRD
Text: handouts, and R. G. Bartle, The elements of real analysis
Prerequisite: Calculus
Course description: After quickly reviewing basic notions and concepts
in analysis, we turn to the study of sequences of functions
and prove rudiments of Fourier series. Topological concepts are also
discussed in detail.
1. Basic calculus
metrics and sequences
convergent and Cauchy sequences, complete metric spaces
Basic topology (open and closed sets, compact sets, connectedness)
Continuous functions
2. Infinite series
absolute and conditional convergence
Tests for convergence
Power series
3. Differentiation, multivariable calculus
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Differentiation in Rn (Implicit
and Inverse function theorems)
4. Integration
Riemann-Stieltjes integrals (integration by parts, fundamental theorem
of integral calculus)
Integration in Rn (Jordan measure)
5. Fourier series
Series of functions (uniform, pointwise and L2 convergence)
Arzela-Ascoli theorem, compact sets in C(X)
Fourier series (Fourier coefficients, Bessel's inequality, Parseval formula,
Theorem of Fejér and Riesz-Fisher
Weierstrass approximation theorem