Complex Functions CLX

Instructor: Dr. Károly BÖRÖCZKY

Text: H.A. Priestley, Introduction to Complex Analysis Clarendon Press, Oxford 1995) +  handout about Riemann mapping theorem

Prerequisite: Calculus


1.  Elementary properties of complex numbers
2.  Basic functions linear, exponential, branches of Öz
3.  Analytic functions
4.  Complex integral
5.  Cauchy integral formula, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
6.  Taylor and Laurent series
7.  Applications: Harmonic functions, Dirichlet problem
8.  Zeros, poles and residues
9.  Applications of residues evaluating integrals, winding number)
10. Riemann mapping theorem handout)

This is an introductory course. The aim of this course is to present and illustrate the basic methods and to show various applications of
the theory of complex analytic functions.