September 16th (Thursday), 16:20               N  is a Number (a movie about Paul Erdõs)

September 23rd (Thursday), 16:15              Feedback Session

September 30th (Thursday), 16:15              BÁLINT TÓTH (BUTE):  Mathematical Introduction to Percolation Theory

October 7th (Thursday), 16:20                      PETER LAX:  (Courant Institute, New York University):  Remarks on Dynamical Systems

October 21st (Thursday), 16:20                     J. CHAYES and C BORGS  (Microsoft Research, Theory group): The Mathematics of the Internet, Usenet and the www

November 18th (Thursday), 16:15                LÁSZLÓ LOVÁSZ (Microsoft Research and Eötvös University): What is a phase transition?

December 9th (Thursday), 16:20               PÉTER ÉRDI (Kalamazoo College, and Res. Inst. for Particle and Nucl. Phys.):  Computational Neuroscience: Why and How?