Theory of Computing THC
Instructor: Dr. Attila Sali
Text: handouts ( László Lovász: Computational
additional available readings: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Algorithms,
Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer
Algorithms, R. Sedgewick: Algorithms, S. Baase: Computer Algorithms.
Prerequisite: some introductory combinatorics, algebra
and number theory (e.g. definitions and basic properties of
graphs, binomial coefficients, primes and groups) is
Course description:
Computing MIN, MAX, MINMAX, sorting. The matrix multiplication algorithm
of Strassen. Dynamic programming. The knapsack problem.
Fibonacci heaps. amoritzed cost.
Turing Machines, universal Turing machines. RAM machines.
The existence of universal Turing machines.
Recursive functions. Recursive, recursively enumerable languages.
Halting problem. Kolmogorov-complexity of sequences.
Storage and time, general theorems on space and time complexity
Non-deterministic Turing-machines. NP and co-NP. Primes are in co-NP.
Pratt's theorem: primes are in NP.
Primes are in P.
Cook's theorem: SAT is NP-complete.
Other NP-complete problems. Non-approximability results.
Communication games. Lower bounds to the communication complexity.