Hungarian language 3  (Learning Hungarian - individualised  studies) HL3

Instructor: Fallier, Erika

 "THIS IS MY BUDAPEST"  project.

Format: Scrapbook with illustrations, drawing, photos, newspaper cuttings, realia, etc.
Language:  bi-lingual, Hungarian and English combined
Suggestions for  topics: " My favorite places in Budapest"  "My street" ( shops, bus stops, advertisements, post-boxes, stalls, etc.) " My neighborhood" " My host family " my friends ( Hungarian and / or American friends  in Budapest)  a questionnaire about topics of interest -
Note: Original copy  stays with the owner, a duplicate copy remains with BSM


Self-directed learning, with  prearranged  weekly  consultation   periods.
Choice of material:  “Mirr-Murr Budapesten”-  a tale of two cats
                              “The man who escaped” - a crime story in Hungarian
                               A series of Hungarian  folktales in Hungarian
                                Suggestions :  any  other  material of interest can be included