is going to give a talk(Computer and Automation Institue, HAS andLAJOS RÓNYAI
Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
The colloquium is onPrimes are in P: a fast deterministic primality test
THURSDAY, September 25th, 16:15
in room 102
Abstract: Testing large integers for primality
is an important problem from the perspective of secure communication. Satisfactory
randomised algorithms have been available to solve the
problem, but it was open until Aug, 2002 wether the problem can be solved
efficiently without resorting to randomization.
Then Indian researchers, M. Agrawal, N. Kayal and N. Saxena
proposed an exciting and surprisingly elementary deterministic
algorithm to tell primes from composite numbers.
The objective of the talk is to give a sketch of the AKS-algorithm and discuss some of the mathematics behind it.