is going to give a talk on(Whitman College)LAURA MANN SCHUELLER
The colloquium is onPythagorean Triples ad Nausea
Thursday, December 4th, 16:10
in room 102
Abstract: It is a fairly
standard exercise in number theory to classify all Pythagorean triples;
that is triples
of integers (a,b,c) satisfying a2+b2=c2.
But, what interesting questions can be asked when you change the number
of variables, or the exponents, or if you add coefficients? What
if you add more conditions - for example you require the area of the right
triangle with sides a,b and hypotenuse c to also have perfect
square area? In this talk we will discuss the Pythagorean triples
and some of these generalizations. We will look at some known results
and some still open questions.