Advanced mathematics courses:
AAL Advanced Algebra
RFM Real Functions and Measures
FUN Functional Analysis
DIG Differential Geometry
CO2 Combinatorics 2
THC Theory of Computing
GTT Graph Theory
GEO Topics in Geometry
Math courses which may be offered depending on the
number of students preregistering and available lecturers:
NUT Topics in Number Theory
NCR Number Theoretical Cryptology and Computational
Number Theory
STA Statistical Methods
TOP Introduction to Topology
ALT Algebraic Topology
GAL Galois Theory
Non math courses:
HL2 Intermediate Hungarian Language
HIS The Making of Modern Central Europe
HUC Hungarian Art and Culture
Non-math courses which may be offered depending on the
number of students preregistering and available lecturers:
HL1 Beginner Hungarian Language
HAM Historical Aspects of Mathematics
EPH European Philosophy