Dear Colleague,
It is hard to believe but Endre Szemerédi is turning 70 in 2010.
The Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and the
János Bolyai
Mathematical Society are organizing a conference in the
summer of 2010 to celebrate this occasion.
The conference will
be held August 2-7, 2010 Budapest. It is well separated from the
International Congress of Mathematicians
to be held August 19-27 in Hyderabad, India.
There will be only invited talks by outstanding mathematicians who will
create a scientific program reflecting front line research in number
theory, combinatorics, and computer science. The invited speakers are:
We would like to cordially invite you to take part
in the conference. You may
register online,
and reserve your
accommodation. You may see here the
Looking forward to seeing you in Budapest,
The Organizing Committee: Imre Bárány (Chair), David Alexandre Ellwood (Clay Mathematics Institute),
András Hajnal (Honorary Chair), Gyula O H Katona, János Komlós, Dezső Miklós,
Gábor Sárközy (Secretary)