First announcement
In 2014, Péter Frankl, Zoltán Füredi, Ervin Győri and János Pach will turn 60. On the occasion of this joyful
event, we organize a conference Sum(m)it240. We would like to invite you to celebrate these four Hungarian
combinatorialists with us.
Here is a list of speakers who have already accepted our invitation to give plenary talks at the conference:
Noga Alon,
Béla Bollobás,
Ralph Faudree,
Jacob Fox,
Alexandr Kostochka,
André Kündgen,
Nathan Lemons,
Micha Sharir,
Benny Sudakov,
Endre Szemerédi,
Norihide Tokushige,
Géza Tóth,
Emo Welzl.
The conference will be held in the romantic 19th century building Gólyavár of Eötvös University, in the very center of Budapest.
Street address is 1088. Budapest,
Múzeum krt. 4. Here is the map of the location.
Organizing Committee
Imre Bárány, Dániel Gerbner, Gyula O.H. Katona (chair), Balázs Keszegh, Cory Palmer,
Balázs Patkós (secretary), Attila Sali, Miklós Simonovits, Gábor Tardos, Géza Tóth
Mailing address:
Reáltanoda u. 13-15, Budapest 1053 Hungary
+36 1 4838333
Tel: +36 1 4838321
e-mail: summit240_at_renyi_dot_hu