These are the pdf files of some of the presentations were given during the summer school. We thank the lecturers for submitting them and allowing us to make them publicly available. Please open these files with a recent Adobe Reader.
Vitali Arestov and Marina Deikalova
The generalized translation operator and Nikolskii type inequality for algebraic polynomials on an interval
Peter Boyvalenkov
Energy bounds for spherical designs and for codes and designs in Hamming spaces
Universal bounds on energy of codes and designs in Hamming spaces
Peter Dragnev
Universal lower bounds on energy for spherical codes, test functions and LP optimality
Levenshtein-type bounds for codes with inner products in prescribed interval
External Field Problems on the Sphere and Minimal Energy Points Separation
Balint Farkas
Chebyshev constants, energies, rendezvous numbers and the transfinite diameter
Alexander Goncharov
Widom factors and Parreau-Widom sets
Orthogonal polynomials on Cantor-type sets
Agota G. Horvath
p-transfinite Diameter and p-Chebyshev Constant in Locally Compact Spaces
Nikolay Ikonomov
On the limit zero distribution of type I Hermite Pade polynomials
Kamen Ivanov
Nonlinear n-term Approximation by Newtonian Potentials
Lukasz Kosinski
Cyclicity of polynomials in Dirichlet spaces in the bidisc
Federico Piazzon
A survey on the Bernstein Markov property
Maria Trybula
Estimates of the Bergman distance on Dini-smooth bounded planar domains
Wlodzimierz Zwonek
Applications of the logarithmic capacity in one-dimensional problems concerning the Bergman kernel and metric