The conference is dedicated to Professor Ted Bisztriczky of University of Calgary, Canada,
an esteemed colleague to some, a highly regarded mentor to others, and a dear friend to all of us,
on the occasion of his 60th Birthday.
Looking forward to seeing in you Budapest,
the organizers
The conference is supported by DISCCONVGEO, an EU
Marie Curie grant.
- Gergely Ambrus
- Imre Bárány
- Marge Bayer
- András Bezdek
- Károly Bezdek
- Ted Bisztriczky
- Jürgen Bokowski
- Károly Böröczky
- Károly Böröczky, Jr.
- Javier Bracho
- Robert Connelly
- Balázs Csikós
- Thi Dinh
- Gábor Fejes Tóth
- Marguerite Fenyvesi
- Wendy Finbow-Singh
- Ferenc Fodor
- Gábor Gévay
- Heiko Harborth
- Aladár Heppes
- Ákos G. Horváth
- Antal Joós
- Gyula Károlyi
- Balázs Keszegh
- János Kincses
- Wlodek Kuperberg
- Carl Lee
- Mike Lorimer
- Endre Makai
- Luis Montejano
- Márton Naszódi
- Deborah Oliveros
- János Pach
- Jonathan Schaer
- Rolf Schneider
- Achill Schürmann
- József Solymosi
- Ricardo Strausz
- Konrad Swanepoel
- István Talata
- Géza Tóth
- Viktor Vígh
- Oloff de Wet
- Joseph Zaks
- Tudor Zamfirescu
Mailing address:
Reáltanoda u. 13-15, Budapest 1053 Hungary
+36 1 4838333
e-mail: geofest_at_renyi_dot_hu