The workshop is going to focus on extremal graph theory and extremal set
families (graph and hypergraphs with forbidden configurations) and related
Organising committee
- Zoltán Füredi
- Ervin Győri
- Gyula Katona
- Miklós Simonovits
- Vera T. Sós
Invited speakers who already accepted our invitation
- József Balogh
- Béla Bollobás
- Konrad Engel
- Ralph Faudree
- Jerry Griggs
- Penny Haxell
- Hal Kierstead
- János Körner
- Alexandr Kostochka
- Felix Lazebnik
- Imre Leader
- Tomasz Luczak
- László Székely
- William Trotter
- Jacques Verstraete
Looking forward to seeing in you Budapest,
the local organizers
e-mail: extcomb_at_renyi_dot_hu
Mailing address:
Reáltanoda u. 13-15, Budapest 1053 Hungary
+36 1 4838333