The main goal of the meeting is to present "old" and "new" results regarding
deformations of isolated singularities, with a special emphasis on key
classes such as rational, sandwiched, minimal singularities.
Moreover, we plan to connect the classical techniques with the toric
machinery as well.
- Klaus Altmann (Berlin)
- Jan Arthur Christophersen (Oslo)
- Theo de Jong (Mainz)
- Jan Stevens (Göteborg)
- Mark Spivakovsky (Toulouse)
- Duco Van Straten (Mainz)
VENUE: The conference will take place at the Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary. The talks will start Friday morning.
The meeting will have the style of a "summer school" - adequate to learn the subject for non-experts and young researchers, but definitely will be enjoyable for the experts too.
Speakers include: