Second Announcement

    Dear Colleagues,

    First of all we would like to thank everyone who responded to the first call.

    We now have a preliminary schedule.

    The speakers should let us know if their timeslot is inconvenient and needs to be changed.

    *** Please send us a title and abstract as soon as possible if you have not done yet so. ***

    Speakers may use any media they like for their talk as the Main Hall of the Alfréd Rényi Institute (where all talks are to be held) is equipped with four large blackboards, a projector and a beamer. Windows or linux based laptops can be attached to the beamer or files from pendrives/the internet can be used, however Macintosh is not supported.

    Write to Agnes Szilard ( if you need help arranging accomodation.

    We are looking forward to seeing you in Budapest!

    Alice Fialowski
    Agnes Szilard (local organizer)

    If you would like to participate please register by sending an email to
    Registration is free however it helps planning the conference.

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