- Oscar Garcia-Prada
(CSIC, Madrid)
Representations of surface groups and Higgs bundles - Lothar Göttsche (ICTP,
Cohomology and invariants of hyperkähler moduli spaces
- Peter Gothen (Porto)
Morse theory on higgs bundle moduli spaces - Tamás Hausel (UT Austin and Oxford)
Betti numbers of hyperkähler manifolds via arithmetic harmonic analysis - János Kollár (Princeton)
Stable vector bundles with small structure group - András Némethi (Rényi Institute)
The canonical contact structure on the links of normal surface singularities - András Szenes (BME, Budapest)
Equivariant intersection theory of Higgs moduli
The conference will start on the morning of Thursday, November 3rd and finish before lunch on Sunday, November 6th. The lectures should be accessible to graduate students and young researchers.
If you wish to attend the conference, please email newstead_at_liv.ac.uk with a copy to szenes_at_math.bme.hu giving dates.